Cinematic genre
Much debate exists about what constitutes a genre and what does not, whether in film, literature, graphic arts or the performing arts. We define Film genre as the categorization of film based upon the subject matter of the film - what it is about: a western is about life in the American West, a Romantic drama is about love relationships, and so on. Film genre must be distinguished from film style, film form, and film format, which are too often intermixed with subject-based terms which results in a very loose, imprecise concept of genre. The definition we have chosen here is based on consideration that, in the study of film, and of other creative enterprises as well, subject-based terminology dominates the designated genres, and that it is due time for some resource to take a firm stand on setting firm boundaries to facilitate understanding.
Index of Film Genres
- Aerospace film
- Biography film
- Buddy Cop film
- Burlesque film
- Chick Flick
- Comedy film
- Coming-of-age film
- Concert film
- Courtroom drama film
- Detective film
- Disaster film
- Drama film
- Ephemeral film
- Epic film
- Exploitation film
- Film fantastique
- Fantasy film
- Gangster film
- Gay-Lesbian film
- Gothic film
- Heist film
- History film
- Horror film
- International Intrigue film
- Jungle film
- Martial arts film
- Medieval film
- Military film
- Mountie film
- Mystery film
- Nature film
- Police film
- Political drama
- Prison film
- Propaganda film
- Psycho film
- Psychological drama film
- Religion film
- Revolution film
- Romantic Drama film
- Science film
- Science fiction film
- Sex film
- Sitcom film
- Slasher film
- Social guidance film
- Social problem film
- Spiritual film
- Sports film
- Spy film
- Superhero film
- Sword and Sandal film (aka Peplum film)
- Teen film
- Travel film
- War film
- Western film
See also
Index of Film Styles, Forms and Formats, Genre Studies, Index of film-related topicsca:Gčnere cinematogrāfic it:Generi cinematografici