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National:Mew (#151) - Chikorita - Bayleef (#153)
Johto:        Chikorita - Bayleef

Name (Japanese), NumberChikorita (Chicorita), 152
Evolves from(none)
Evolves toBayleef
Video game base stats¹
Hit points45
Special attack49
Special defense65
SpeciesLeaf Pokémon
Height2'11" (0.9 m)
Weight14 lb (6 kg)
Pokédex ColorGreen
Shiny colorChikorita will turn a tan color.
Gender distribution87.5% male, 12.5% female
¹ Stats for trading card versions may vary.

Chikorita, known as Chicorita (チコリータ Chikoriita) in the original Japanese, is one of the three starter Pokémon available in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. (The other two are Cyndaquil and Totodile.) According to the Pokédex, this Pokémon "loves to soak up the suns rays" with its leaf, and from it, it emits "a gentle aroma".

Picking this Pokémon as a starter is categorized as choosing a "Hard" difficulty level for the game due to the fact that both the first and second gym leaders use pokémon whose types are strong against Chikorita's plant-type attacks. However, Chikorita is not to be underestimated for it can be quite hard to beat when used against the player.

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Name Origin

"Chikorita" is probably a misspelling of the herb "chicory", with the suffix "-ita" denoting its small size.


Chikorita appears as one of the starter Pokémon in Pokémon Gold and Silver.

In the anime

In the Pokémon anime, Ash Ketchum catches a Chikorita early on his adventure through Johto, after saving it from a sudden snowstorm Chikorita's gender is not stated explicitly, although the series implies that Chikorita is female. Chikorita is very affectionate, and often sees Pikachu as a rival for his affections. It is perhaps, because of this affection, that Chikorita evolves into a Bayleef when Ash was almost in mortal peril.

Casey (Nanako) and Jackson/Vincent (Jun'ichi) are also trainers that have (or had) Chikorita, in both cases as their first Pokémon. For Jackson, he has mentioned that he once had a Chikorita, but it has since evolved into a Meganium. Casey's Chikorita, like Casey herself, is very fond of the Electabuzz baseball team. It was the healing of a rift in the relationship between Casey and Chikorita (in which Casey was effectively running Chikorita to the point of exhaustion in a bug-catching contest) in which Chikorita evolved to Bayleef. It would later evolve into a Meganium in Casey's last appearance in Pocket Monsters.

In the manga

In Pokémon Special, when Crystal is sent to catch Pokémon for Professor Oak, Professor Elm's Chikorita escapes from the lab and follows her, wanting desperately to go on a journey. Crystal refused to allow it to be a part of her party unless it could stand up to her own Pokémon in a battle. It managed to survive the Mega Punch attack of Crystal's high-level Hitmonchan, and so she gave Chikorita the nickname Megapyon.

In Magical Pokémon Journey, Chikorita challenges Bulbasaur for the affections of Pistachio (who's only interested in human girls, anyway). Later, Chikorita falls for Almond and then Charmander.

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