Chartreuse Mountains
The Chartreuse Mountains (Massif de la Chartreuse) is a mountain range in eastern France, stretching to the north from the city of Grenoble to the Lac du Bourget. It is part of the French Prealps. Summits in the Chartreuse include:
- Chamechaude, 2082 m
- Dent de Crolles, 2062 m
- Grand Som, 2033 m
- Granier, 1938 m
- Dent du Chat, 1390 m
It gave its name to:
- the monastery of the Grande Chartreuse, head of the Carthusian order
- the Chartreuse liquor, manufactured under the monks' supervision.
- Chartreuse, the greenish color of the Chartreuse liqueur.