Chèvre cheese is cheese made from goat's milk (chèvre is French for goat). In regions where domesticated goats are kept, many kinds of goat's milk cheeses are produced.
Although cow's milk and goat's milk have similar overall fat contents, the higher proportion of medium-chain fatty acids such as caproic, caprylic and capric acid in goat's milk contributes to the characteristic tart flavor of goat's milk cheese. (These fatty acids take their name from the Latin for goat, capra.)
Chabis, Crottin de Chavignol, Pélardon, Picodon, Pouligny Saint-Pierre, Rocamadour, sainte-maure de Tourain, Chabichou du Poitou and Valençay are French goat's milk cheeses.
Mató is a Catalan fresh cheese made from cow's or goat's milk.
Cabreiro de castelo branco is a Portuguese goat's milk cheese.
Greek halloumi and feta are traditionally made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk.
External links
- Goat Dairy Foods (http://drinc.ucdavis.edu/goatdairy.htm) from the University of California, Davis Dairy Research and Information Center
- Article comparing sheep's milk to cow's milk and goat's milk (http://www.sheepmilk.biz/sheepmilk.html)fr:Fromages au lait de chèvre