Centre national de la recherche scientifique
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CNRS logo
CNRS logo
The Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) is the largest and most prominent scientific research institutions in France. It conducts researchs in all of scientific areas, divided among eight departments:
- nuclear and corpuscular physics
- mathematical and physical sciences
- sciences and technologies of information and communication
- sciences for the engineer
- chemical sciences
- sciences of the Universe
- life sciences
- sciences of life and society.
It runs its laboratories either directly or in association with universities, other higher education institutions, or other research institutions.
Researchers directly employed by CNRS are classified in two civil servant corps, in order of seniority:
- chargés de recherche (2nd class, 1st class)
- directeurs de recherche (2nd class, 1st class, exceptional class).
Typically, directeurs de recherche ("research directors") head research groups, though this is not a general rule.
External link
- Official website (http://www.cnrs.fr/)fr:Centre national de la recherche scientifique