Central Trains
Central Trains is a train operating company in the United Kingdom, running local and cross-country trains in central England. The company's operations are centred on Birmingham and serve stations such as Cambridge, Cardiff, Coventry, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Liverpool, Manchester, Norwich, Nuneaton, Nottingham, Shrewsbury, Stansted Airport, and Telford.
On 19 October 2004, Transport Secretary Alistair Darling announced that at the end of the current franchise in 2006, Central Trains' routes will be divided between the Silverlink, Chiltern, Virgin Cross Country, Midland Mainline and Northern Rail franchises. The Northampton-Long Buckby-Coventry-Birmingham International-Birmingham New Street service was transfered to Central Trains from Silverlink in late 2004.
Central Trains is owned by the National Express Group.
External trains
Central Trains web site (http://www.centraltrains.co.uk/)