Celtic Sea
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The Celtic Sea is that area of the Atlantic Ocean which is bounded by the south coast of Ireland, the southwest coast of Wales and the north coast of Devon and Cornwall in England west of the Bristol Channel. It does not really have south and west boundaries, although it is generally considered to stop at the same longitude as the west edge of Ireland and at the same latitude as the western tip of Brittany.
The name is commonly used by workers in the oil and fishing industries to avoid nationalist connotations. The Celtic Sea is separated from the Irish Sea by St George's Channel.
External links
- Map of Europe showing the Celtic Sea (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/reference_maps/pdf/europe.pdf)
- cs-locale.png Map of the Celtic Sea (http://craik.shef.ac.uk/): Sheffield Centre for Earth Observation Science
- Coccoliths in the Celtic Sea (http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/HPDOCS/misr/misr_html/celtic_sea.html): a bloom of phytoplankton in the Celtic Sea, visible from space in an MISR image, June 4, 2001cy:Y Môr Celtaidd
eo:Kelta maro et:Keldi meri kw:Mor Keltek pl:Morze Celtyckie