Category:Stub categories
These categories contain articles that need improvement. Pick your specialty and begin writing!
See Wikipedia:Most wanted stubs if you want to fix the most linked-to stubs!
A full list of stub category types is available at Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting/Stub types
Help organize stubs! (or better yet expand them and remove the stub template) Join the Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting project group, if you're very intent on stub sorting.
NB: If you wish to create a new stub category, please propose it at Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting/Criteria prior to creation!
Template:CategoryTOCko:분류:토막글 분류 he:Category:קצרמר ja:Category:スタブカテゴリ pl:Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów pt:Categoria:!Esboos por tema ru:Category:Незавершённые статьи sk:Category:Stuby sr:Category:Кратки текстови категорија