This category is about all aspects of computer software (SW) which here is taken to include the following categories:
- application software (office suites, word processors, spreadsheets, etc)
- system software (operating systems, device drivers, desktop environments, etc)
- computer programming tools (assemblers, compilers, linkers, etc)
The first two subcategories are concerned with running software on computers (i.e., actually using the computers), while the last one is about developing the software in the first place.ast:Category:Software bg:Категория:Софтуер ca:Category:Programari cs:Category:Software csb:Kategrj:Soft-wra de:Kategorie:Software es:Categora:Software fr:Catgorie:Logiciel gl:Category:Software hu:Kategria:Szoftver it:Categoria:Software ja:Category:ソフトウェア nl:Categorie:Software pl:Kategoria:Oprogramowanie pt:Category:Programas de computador ro:Category:Software ru:Category:Программное обеспечение simple:Category:Software sl:Category:Programska oprema th:Category:ซอฟต์แวร์ tr:Category:Yazılım uk:Category:Програмне забезпечення vi:Category:Phần mềm zh:Category:软件