Category:Graph theory
Graph theory is the branch of mathematics that examines the properties of graphs. See glossary of graph theory for common terms and their definition.
Informally, a graph is a set of objects called vertices (or nodes) connected by links called edges (or arcs), which can also have associated directions. Typically, a graph is depicted as a set of dots (i.e., vertices) connected by lines (i.e., edges), with an arrowhead on a line representing a directed arc.
Such graphs can used to represent and analyze a variety of systems and problems, including colorability problems, shortest path algorithms and spanning trees.
bg:Категория:Теория на графите cs:Kategorie:Teorie grafů de:Kategorie:Graphentheorie es:Categora:Teora de grafos fr:Catgorie:Thorie des graphes ja:Category:グラフ理論 it:Categoria:Teoria dei grafi pl:Kategoria:Teoria grafw ru:Category:Теория графов fi:Luokka:Graafiteoria zh:Category:图论