Algebra (from the Arabic "al-djebr" meaning "reunion", "connection" or "completion") is a branch of mathematics which may be defined as a generalization and extension of arithmetic. In algebra you can use different letters such as x or y. These are calledКатегория:Алгебра cs:Kategorie:Algebra da:Kategori:Algebra de:Kategorie:Algebra es:Categoría:Álgebra et:Category:Algebra fr:Catégorie:Algèbre he:Category:אלגברה io:Category:Algebro it:Categoria:Algebra ja:Category:代数学 ko:분류:대수학 nl:Categorie:Algebra pl:Kategoria:Algebra pt:Categoria:Álgebra ru:Category:Алгебра sv:Kategori:Algebra vi:Category:Đại số trừu tượng zh:Category:代数