Catalogue of Ships
The famous Catalogue of Ships (νεων κατολογος) is recorded as a part of Book II (verses 494–760, Template:Perseus) of Homer's Iliad. It lists the names of all the allies who came with the Greeks to lay siege to Troy along with the names of their leaders and the number of ships they brought with them. It is followed by a similar, though shorter, list of the Trojans' allies.
The Catalogue provides a rare summary of the geopolitical situation in the region although its reliability is disputed. Some argue that it dates from the time of the Trojan War in the mid 13th century BC, while others contend that it dates from the time of Homer himself in the 8th century BC and is an attempt to transfer later information back five centuries. An intermediate theory is that the catalogue originated through a process of accretion during the poem's oral transmission and reflects gradual inclusion of the homelands of local sponsors by individual singers.
The Catalogue
The Catalogue lists 28 contingents accounting for a total of 1186 ships, corresponding to a force of some 100.000 to 140.000 men. It contains 50 toponyms and 150 ethnonyms.
- 1. (II.494) Boeotians: 50 ships with 120 men each
- 2. (II.511) Minyans: 30 ships
- 3. (II.517) Phocians: 40 ships
- 4. (II.527) Locrians of Euboea led by Ajax the Lesser: 40 ships
- 5. (II.536) Abantes: 40 ships
- 6. (II.546) Athenians: 50 ships, together with 12 ships of Salamis led by Ajax the Great
- 7. (II.559) Achaeans of Argos and Tiryns, led by Diomedes: 80 ships
- 8. (II.569) forces led by Agamemnon, from Mycenae and Corinth: 100 ships
- 9. (II.581) Lacedaemonians, led by Menelaus: 60 ships
- 10. (II.591) forces from Pylos led by Nestor: 90 ships
- 11. (II.603) Arcadians: 60 ships
- 12. (II.615) Elians: 40 ships
- 13. (II.625) Dulichium: 40 ships
- 14. (II.631) forces of Ithaca led by Odysseus: 12 ships
- 15. (II.638) Aetolians: 40 ships
- 16. (II.645) Cretans led by Idomeneus: 80 ships
- 17. (II.653) Rhodians: 9 ships
- 18. (II.671) Symians: 3 ships
- 19. (II.676) Nisyrians: 30 ships
- 20. (II.681) Myrmidons of Argos led by Achilles: 50 ships
- 21. (II.695) Phulacians: 40 ships
- 22. (II.711) Boebians: 11 ships
- 23. (II.716) Meliboeans: 7 ships with 50 archers each
- 24. (II.734) Oechalians: 30 ships
- 25. (II.738) Ormenians: 40 ships
- 26. (II.748) Eloneans: 40 ships
- 27. (II.756) Enienes: 22 ships
- 28. (II.760) Magnetes: 40 ships
External links
- detailed map of Achaeans and Trojans (
- list of geograpical features in the catalogue (