Bruno of Augsburg
Bishop Bruno of Augsburg was the son of Henry II (the Wrangler or Quarrelsome), and Gisela of Hungary. He also was the brother of St. Henry II of Germany, the only Holy Roman Emperor to be made a saint.
Bruno of Augsburg, Bavaria, lived at a time when Christianity was still making inroads into various parts of Europe. As a bishop, he forwarded his kinsman St. Stephen's efforts to covert rebellious pagans to the new faith.
Through his daughter Agatha, Bishop Bruno was the grandfather of another saint: Saint Margaret of Scotland.
It is not known if Bruno became a father before becoming a bishop or afterward. In any event, it needs to be understood that the sexual restrictions of a Catholic bishop were not as severe then as they are today. As recently as the eighteenth century, Roman Catholic priests were having children openly, although this practice was condemned by the church.