British Bulldog
British Bulldog refers to
- a popular emblem of Britain, and sometimes England, sometimes represented as a Bulldog in a Union Jack coat, and often pictured in cartoons to represent a British Churchillian spirit.
- The British Bulldogs were the professional wrestling tag-team of David "Davey Boy" Smith and Tom "Dynamite Kid" Billington. Following Billington's early retirement due to injury, Smith continued a successful solo career known as "The British Bulldog", until his untimely death.
- British Bulldogs, a game played in Britain, commonly by youth groups, involving a pitch or area demarked by two fixed lines on the ground, and often with no fixed width. The game begins by all participants, bar one or two, lining up along one of the two lines, and then, on a predetermined signal (such as someone yelling "Go!!"), all of those on the line make their way to the other line, timing their journey so as to avoid the one or two people who weren't in the group on the line to start with - their role is to remain in between the two lines and to tackle people as they make their way between the lines. Once a person is successfully tackled and their bodies are forced to touch the ground then they have been caught and they join the group of people whose job is to tackle the other group of people who continually make their way between the two lines. Other than the rules above, there are few others, and so, depending on the group of people involved, the game has been known to be prone to violence and physical injury. The winner of the game is the individual who is the last person "uncaught".
- British Bulldog is another name for the English Bulldog or just Bulldog.