Blazing Star
Blazing Star is a shoot-em-up for the Neo-Geo whose major contribution to civilization is the phrase "You fail it! Your skill is not enough, see you next time, bye-bye!" which was adopted by internet trolls, who post variations of it.
Blazing Star is the semi-official sequel to the acclaimed Neo-Geo shooter Pulstar, which was itself a close cousin to the R-Type franchise. A typically hefty Neo-Geo ROM at 346 Mb, the game makes extensive use of pseudo-3D prerendered sprites, brief animé and CGI cutscenes (mostly during the intro sequence), and frequent Engrish voice samples and captions. While Blazing Star is certainly a cut above a number of other shooters, some fans compare it unfavorably with Pulstar on the basis that Blazing Star was "dumbed down" in terms of difficulty and there are those that prefer the simpler 2D sprite look over the prerendered sprites that came to dominate many of the more recent shoot-em-ups.