The Battle of Pakozd happened on September 29, 1848 during Revolution of 1848 near Pákozd in central Hungary. The outcome was an important victory for the outnumbered Hungarian Honvéd troops over the Imperial forces of ban Jelačić.
When Jelačić's Croatian troops entered Hungary following the September 11 declaration of war in the name of the Empire, many of the Hungarian generals were not willing to fire upon the imperial troops to which they were swore allegiance to (notably general Adam Teleki, commander of the forces on the Drave).
The Hungarians however fought with great courage, and forced the defeated Croatian armies to retreat towards Austria, where they were given new orders from the Austrian government, but no reinforcements as they were promised.
In the following months, the Hungarians went on to liberate Budapest from the Austrians, and stunned them with a decisive victory at the small town of Isaszeg in April 1849.