Battle of Klendathu

Battle before:
Battle after:
Battle of Klendathu
ConflictTerran Federation-Bugs conflict
DateUnknown (22nd Century)
ResultBug victory
Terran Federation (Novel) United Citizen Federation (Movie) Bugs
Sky Marshal Dienes (Movie) General Diennes (Novel) Unknown/ Brain Caste
6 Mobile Infantry divisions (At most) Unknown (plasma bugs for anti air, warriors for groud defense)
308,563 (at least) Unknown, minor

The Battle of Klendathu was the first major military engagement between the Terran Federation and the Bugs of Klendathu in the novel and movie Starship Troopers. While the event is portrayed in both versions, there are distinct differences between the two.

The events as portrayed both in the novel and movie

After the Bugs destroyed Buenos Aires, the Federation declared war against the Bugs. In an act of retaliation, the Federation sent a large amount of troops and ships to Klendathu. When the military arrived, the Bugs made short work of the orbiting starships. Thousands of troops were dispatched to the surface. However, the humans were unprepared for the Bugs awaiting them. 100,000 soldiers were killed in less than an hour, and several more injured.

The differences between the Novel and Movie

In the novel, the plan was to secure key targets on Klendathu and establish a "beach-head". The commander of the operation, General Diennes, lead the assault personally and died in a diversionary attack enabling several Mobile Infantrymen to escape. In the movie, the plan was merely to kill "Anything with more than two legs". Also Sky Marshall Diennes did not lead the assault personally.



The battle was declared a Strategic Victory, despite the enormous loss of life. Private Juan Rico stated in regard to the battle "I've heard it called a 'strategic victory', but I was there and I claim we took a terrible licking".


After the battle, which is an undoubted defeat, Sky Marshal Diennes was forced to resign (perhaps killed for his failure later).


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