A bartender is the person behind a bar in a pub, tavern, inn, bar, or restaurant that serves alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages. Their job is to mix and serve cocktails, beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages to the bar's clientele. In regions where tipping is the norm, bartenders receive a low base wage and earn most of their money through tips.
de:Bartender In the United States Bartenders are frequently considered the aristocracy of the working class, revered by the blue collar worker. There is a a mythos about the trade; the abilities of a bartender are expected to go far beyond the obvious drink making and food serving. Bartenders (Barkeeps, drinkslingers or simply: "tenders") provide solace to the downtrodden drinking man, company for the lonely, entertainment for the bored and useful information to visitors. For example a bartender might be called upon to recommend a restaurant for dinner, a theater for a show, the day's sports scores, the marital status of women lounging in the bar area, as well as a wide breadth of general trivia regarding stocks, cars, wine, sports, politics and history.