
A barque, sometimes spelled bark, originally referred to a particular type of ship-rigged sailing vessel with a plain bluff bow and a full stern with windows. HM Bark Endeavour, commanded by Captain James Cook was a famous example.

By the end of the 18th century, however, the term came to refer to any vessel with a particular type of rig comprised of three (or more) masts, fore and aft sails on the aftermost mast and square sails on all other masts. A well-preserved example of a commercial barque built in 1878 is Falls of Clyde, now preserved as a museum ship in Honolulu. The United States Coast Guard still has an operational Barque, built in Germany in 1936 and captured as a war prize, the Eagle (

Related rigs are brigantine (2 masts), barquentine (square-rigged on only the fore mast), and the sole instance of a vessel with 2 fore-and-aft rigged masts and 2 square-rigged (the Olympia).

Throughout the period of sail, the word also was used as a shortening of the barca-longa of the Mediterranean Sea.

Missing image

Standing rigging of a 3-masted barque

  1. Fore-royal
  2. Flying-jib stay
  3. Outer-jib stay
  4. Inner-jib stay
  5. Fore-topmast stay
  6. Fore-stay   6'.Jib-boom stay, Martingale stay
  7. Bobstay
  8. Martingale guys, Martingale back ropes
  9. Martingale boom, Martingale
  10. Flying martingale stay, Flying jib boom stay
  11. Jib foot rope
  12. Bowsprit shroud
  13. Flying-jib guy
  14. Bowsprit
  15. Outer-jib boom
  16. Flying-jib boom
  17. Crane for the anchors
  18. Capstan
  19. Lighthouse for the sidelights
  20. Anchor purchase
  21. Vangs for the crane
  22. Hawse holes, Hawse pipes
  23. Stem
  24. The bow
  25. Boat
  26. Forecastle
  27. Damper on the brace-booms
  28. Guys on the brace-booms
  29. Fore-mast
  30. Fore-rigging, Fore lower rigging
  31. Rigging screws
  32. Top backstay, Backstay for the Masthead
  33. Futtockshroud
  34. Fore-top
  35. Sling-chain for the Fore-yard
  36. Parral on Fore-yard
  37. Fore-yard
  38. Horses
  39. Stirrups
  40. Yard-arm horses
  41. Fore-lifts
  42. Topmast
  43. Topmast futtockshroud
  44. Truss-hoop Futtockring
  45. Fore-topmast crosstrees
  46. Outrigger
  47. Mast Gap
  48. Topmast shroud
  49. Fore-top gallantmast
    • Fore-top gallantmast rigging
    • Head funel, Stop
  50. Fore-royal mast
    • Fore-royal mast rigging
    • Head, Funnel, Stop
  51. Pole
  52. Truck
  53. Fore lower topsail yard
  54. Fore upper topsail yard
  55. Fore topsail lifts
  56. Fore topgallant yard
  57. Fore topgallant lifts
  58. Fore-royal yard
  59. Fore-royal lifts
  60. Spur or Standard for Fore lower topsail yard
  61. Fore royal braces
  62. Fore topgallant brace pendants
  63. Fore topgallant braces
  64. Fore runner on Fore upper topsail braces
  65. Fore upper topsail brace pendants
  66. Burton on Fore upper topsail braces
  67. Fore runner on Fore lower topsail braces
  68. Fore lower topsail brace pendants
  69. Burtons on Fore lower topsail braces
  70. Fore brace pendants
  71. Lower Fore brace pendants
  72. Fore-braces
  73. Fore top rnast backstays
  74. Fore topgallant backstays
  75. Fore royal backstays
  76. Sheerpole, Sheer batten
  77. Main-shroud
  78. Main-mast
  79. Main-parral
  80. Sling-chain for the Main yard
  81. Main-futtock shroud
  82. Main-top
  83. Rigging screws on the topmast shroud
  84. Standard for Main lower topsailyard
  85. Head of the Main-mast
  86. Main-topmast shroud
  87. Main lower topsail parral
  88. Main topmast
  89. Neclace, Trusshoop, Futtockring
  90. Topmast futtock shroud
  91. Brace bloks
  92. Main topmast crosstrees
  93. Topmast cap
  94. Main topgallant mast
  95. Main-topgallant mast rigging and Flead, Funnel, Stop
  96. Main-royal mast
  97. Main-royal mast rigging and Head, Funnel, Stop
  98. Royal mast pole
  99. Main truck
  100. Main-royal lifts
  101. Main-royal yard
  102. Main-topgallant lifts
  103. Main-topgallant yard
  104. Main upper topsail lifts
  105. Main upper topsail yard
  106. Main lower topsail yard
  107. Main-lifts
  108. Main-yard
  109. Main-stay
  110. Main topmast stay
  111. Main topgallant mast stay
  112. Main-royal mast stay
  113. Main-top backstay
  114. Main-topmast backstays
  115. Main-topgallant backstays
  116. Main-royal backstays
  117. Main-royal braces
  118. Main-royal brace pendants
  119. Main topgallant braces
  120. Fore runner on main upper topsail braces
  121. Main upper topsail brace pendants
  122. Main upper topsail braces
  123. Fore runner on main lower topsail braces
  124. Main lower topsail brace pendants
  125. Main lower topsail braces
  126. Main braee pendants
  127. Lower Main brace pendants
  128. Main braees
  129. Mizzen stay
  130. Mizzen-topmast stay
  131. Mizzen topgallant stay
  132. Mizzen-shroud
  133. Mizzen-mast
  134. Necklace, Trusshoop
  135. Mizzen futtock shrond
  136. Mizzen top, Mizzen crosstrees
  137. Mizzen cap
  138. Mizzen topmast
  139. Mizzen topmast shroud
  140. Brace blocks
  141. Topmast rigging and Head, Funnel
  142. Mizzen topgallant mast
  143. Topgallant mast rigging and Head, Funnel
  144. Mast pole
  145. Mizzen truck
  146. Mizzen topgallant backstay
  147. Mizzen topmast backstays
  148. Peak halliard
  149. Crowfoot on peak halliard
  150. Ensign halliard
  151. Vang pendants
  152. Vangs
  153. Mizzen gaff
  154. Mizzen throat
  155. Mizzen-boom lifts, Spanker-boom lifts
  156. Mizen-boom; Spanker-boom
  157. Goose neck on Mizzen-boom
  158. Mizzen-sheet, Spanker-sheet
  159. Spanker-boom guys
  160. Rails
  161. Boat davits
  162. Boat cleats
  163. Life boats
  164. Boat taekles
  165. Guy between the davits
  166. Davit guy (aft)
  167. Davit guy (fore)

External links

Template:Sailing Vessels and Rigsda:Bark_(skibstype) de:Bark (Schiff) no:Bark pl:Bark (żaglowiec) sv:Barkskepp


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