Australian Survivor
Australian Survivor was a television series based on the popular American reality show Survivor. The series was filmed in November and December 2001 and aired weekly from February 13 - May 15, 2002 on Australia's Nine Network. It was set at Whalers Way, a coastal nature reserve in South Australia. The show's host was Lincoln Howes. The grand prize of 500,000 Australian dollars was won by Robert Dickson in a 5-2 vote. The two initial tribes were Kadina and Tipara.
Contestants included (in order of how they finished, starting from the first one eliminated and ending with the winner):
- Lucinda Allen, 43, Mother and interior/exterior designer (Kadina)
- Tim Duggan, 42, Contract painter (Kadina)
- David Haas, 34, IT consultant for a system integration company (Kadina)
- Jeff Brown, 53, Federal police superintendent (Tipara)
- Deborah Peart, 26, Television post-production supervisor (Kadina)
- Sylvan Dokney, 25, Writer (Kadina)
- Caren Shaw, 29, Promotions manager/radio co-host (Kadina)
- Naomi Knight, 22, Physical Education teacher (Kadina)
- Craig Abbot, 27, Electrician (Kadina)
- Lance Brooks, 40, Self employed marketing and promotions company (Tipara)
- Jane Dalton, 18, Student (Tipara)
- Sophie Woods, 31, Mother of two (Tipara)
- Katie Gold, 24, Professional athlete (Tipara)
- Joel Betts, 22, University Graduate (Tipara)
- Sciona Browne, 49, Managing Director (Tipara)
- Robert Dickson, 28, Ex AFL footballer (Tipara)