Asiago cheese

Asiago cheese is a hard aromatic Italian cheese with a crumbly texture, whose flavor is reminiscent of sharp Cheddar and Parmesan. It is often used in salads, soups, pastas, and sauces.

It was originally made only in the Dolomite Mountains region of northern Italy, near the town of Asiago. It can be used for grating and as a table cheese. This cheese is granular, like Parmesan, but a bit more pungent in flavor. An American-made asiago is also available.

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Traditional asiago

This cheese is available in flavors ranging from mild to aged, and the types are described by their flavor. Dolce describes a mildly spicy asiago, several months old; medio describes a stronger product, aged longer; and piccante asiago is a hard, aged cheese with a piquant flavor, suitable for grating. Piccante asiago is also enjoyed as a flavorful table cheese, eaten in paper-thin slices.

Asiago d’Allevo

This is the mature, hard cheese. It is produced from skimmed raw cows’ milk and sold in flat cheese wheels weighing 18 to 31 pounds (8 to 14 kg). It is marketed as fresh (fresco) asiago, aged two to three months, good for sandwiches and salads, and medium-ripe (mezzano), aged four to five months. Slow-ripened (vecchio) asiago, aged nine months or longer, is a table cheese, also suitable for cooking.

Buying and storing tips

Extra-hard cheeses, well wrapped and refrigerated, can be stored for several months.


Asiago is widely available in large health food, grocery, and specialty stores, both in wedges and grated.


Asiago cheese was first developed in a village in northern Italy called Asiago.

Preparation, uses, and tips

Asiago is enjoyed as a complement to pasta, rice, pizza, or soup. It can also be served with hearty bread, salami, or such fruits as fresh figs or pears, and it goes well with a variety of beverages such as red wine, cranberry juice, and sparkling grape juice.

Nutritional Highlights

Asiago cheese, 1 oz. (28g) Calories: 110 Protein: 7.5g Carbohydrate: 0.67g Total Fat: 8.7g Fiber: 0.0g

  • Excellent source of: Calcium (226mg)
  • Good source of: Phosphorus (144.6mg)
  • Foods that are an “excellent source” of a particular nutrient provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value. Foods that are a “good source” of a particular nutrient provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.



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