Artistic language

An artistic language (or artlang) is a constructed language (conlang) designed for aethestic pleasure. Unlike engineered languages or auxiliary languages, artistic languages usually have irregular grammar systems, much like natural languages. Many are designed for conworlds, such as J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth and Mark Rosenfelder's Almea. Others represent fictional minority languages in a world not patently different from the real world, or have no particular fictional background attached.

There are several different schools of artlangs. The most important is the naturalist school, which seeks to imitate the complexity and historicity of natural languages. However, there are also artlangers who do not care about naturalness, but follow a more abstract style.


Genres of artlangs

Several different genres of conlangs are classified as artlangs. An artistic language may fall into any one of these groups, depending on the aim of its use.

By far the largest group of artlangs are fictional languages. Fictional languages are intended to be the languages of a fictional world, and are often designed with the intent of giving more depth and an appearance of plausibility to the fictional worlds with which they are associated. By analogy with the word "conlang", the term conworld is used to describe these worlds, inhabited by fictional concultures. The conworld influences vocabulary (what words the language will have for flora and fauna, articles of clothing, objects of technology, religious concepts, names of places and tribes, etc.), as well as influencing other factors such as pronouns, or how their cultures view the break-off points between colors or the gender and age of family members. Professional fictional languages are used for a book, movie, television show, video game, comic, toy or musical album, such as Middle Earth, the Star Trek universe, or the game Myst. Internet-based fictional languages are hosted along with their conworlds on the Internet, and based at these sites, becoming known to the world through the visitors to these sites; Verdurian, the language of Mark Rosenfelder's Verduria on the planet of Almea, is a flagshp Internet-based fictional language. Many other fictional languages and their associated conworlds are created privately by their inventor, known only to the inventor or perhaps a few friends. The term fictional diachronic language describes fictional languages that are invented in large families and have their fictional history traced over time, with a proto-language used to derive ancestors.

Altlangs speculate on an alternate history and try to reconstruct how a family of natural languages would have evolved in things had been different (e.g. What if Greek civilization went on to thrive without a Roman Empire, leaving Greek and not Latin to develop several modern descendants?) The language that would have evolved is then traced step by step in its evolution, to reach its final form. An altlang will typically base itself on the core vocabulary of one language and the phonology of another. The best-known language of this category is Brithenig, which started off the interest among Internet conlangers in altlanging. Brithenig attempts to determine what Romance languages would have evolved into had the Romans made it to Great Britain, replacing Celtic languages, and bases its phonology on that of Welsh.

Micronational languages are the languages created for use in micronations. Having the citizens learn the language is as much a part of participating in the micronation as minting coins and stamps or participating in government. The members of these micronations meet up and speak the language they have learned when they are participating in these meets. They coin new words and grammatical constructions when needed. Talossan, from R. Ben Madison's Kingdom of Talossa, is by far the best-known example of a micronational language.

The term personal language refers to languages that are created for the ultimate purpose of creating a language. There is no conworld that a personal language is associated with, no people whom the creator actually expects to speak it, no product that will be manufactured in its language. The language exists as a work of art. A personal language may be invented for the purpose of having a beautiful language, for self-expression, as an exercise in understanding linguistic principles, or perhaps as an attempt to create a language with an extreme phonemic inventory or system of verbs. Personal languages tend to have short lifespans, and are often displayed on the Internet and discussed on message boards much like Internet-based fictional languages. They are often invented in large numbers by the people who design these languages. However, a few personal languages are used extensively and long-term by their creators (e.g., for writing diaries).

The term jokelang is often used for conlangs created as jokes. These may be languages intended primarily to sound funny, such as DiLingo, or for some type of satire, often as satire on some aspect of constructed languages.

Examples of artistic languages

Artistic languages include languages of fictional worlds and peoples and for alternate histories, languages for micronations, languages created for humor and self-amusement and languages created for the pleasure of inventing a language.


The following languages were professionally published in books or multimedia.


See also

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