In comic books, Apokolips was the planet ruled by Darkseid, established in Jack Kirby's Fourth World series. It is also integral to many DC Comics stories. The planet is considered the opposite of New Genesis.
Apokolips is a city planet with burning firepits that exists inbetween dimensions, occupying a 'frequency' somewhere between the physical universe and Hell. It can be visited by both space travellers and people travelling the dimensions though.
The population is a downtrodden lot with the population including many kidnapped from other worlds before 'breaking.' The majority of the population, called "Lowlies", are a bald and fearful race that has no conception of self worth or value. The Lowlies live a hellish existence that ends only in death and is subject to constant abuse. Slightly above them in the pecking order are the Parademons who serve as the keepers of the planet's order. They are chosen from the most sociopathic and cruel residents before given gliders and trained combat. They are often accompanied by gigantic dogs, called Hounds. Higher still above the Parademons are the Female Furies that are Darkseid's personal guard. Male Furies exist but are less common. They are blessed with unnatural strength and longeveity plus allowed to develop individuality. This exposure to new concepts often results in them developing often comical or garish personalities that contrast strongly with the immense sadism that is required to reach their position. The leaders of the Furies are Granny Goodness who sports the affection of a matronly older woman while being the most powerful of the guards and Kanto (comics) who occupies a uniquely favored position as Darkseid's master assassin. The chief of the guards, Big Barda had a third position under Granny but her position has not been filled since her defection from the group.
Apokolips is surprisingly the second most advanced planet (the first being New Genesis) in the universe with their technology the height of power in the universe and able to devastate galaxies when they are so inclined to use it. It is furthermore the source of unparalleled misery in the universe as the planet routinely arms evil groups with advanced technology in order to further its influence (and seemingly misery in general) across the universe.
Apokolips is ruled by Darkseid as its theocratic god/despot but he defers most of the actual day to day ruling to his counsellor Desaad. Darkseid has no particular contenders for the throne of Apokolips save perhaps the demon Mantis (DC comics). His sons Orion (comics), Grayven, and Kalibak are also potential contenders for the throne. Darkseid is cursed with the fact that only Orion is remotely intelligent and he wishes nothing more than to serve the cause of good. Orion is subject to a prophecy that he eventually will overthrow Darkseid. In Kingdom Come it's revealed that Darkseid's overthrow will merely result in nothing changing for the heart of the evil of Apokolips is Apokolips itself rather than its master.
In the 30th century, original Legion continuity, Apokolips is inactive and Darkseid incapitated. In the Reboot Legion continuity, Darkseid was aged and dying with the planet mostly uninhabited but the center of a large cult.pt:Apokolips