Anakin Solo
Anakin Solo (10 ABY - 27 ABY) is a fictional character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, the youngest child born to Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, who has a sister, Jaina, and a brother, Jacen, who are twins. Anakin is named for his maternal grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, and, like his namesake, was a talented pilot who was prodigiously talented both in the Force and mechanical engineering.
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The resurrected Emperor Palpatine touched the unborn Anakin Solo through Leia's womb,in a (hopefully) failed attempt to steal the infant's body for himself. Originally, he was to be named Han Solo Jr., but his parents decided to name him after his grandfather.
Anakin was born on Nespis VIII about a year and a half after his siblings, Jaina and Jacen. Like his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, he was incredibly strong in the Force, especially for a child so young. However, Anakin felt that he had inherited not only his grandfather's name, but also Vader's dark legacy. As a child he often had nightmares of Darth Vader and a very strong fear of the dark side. By the time he was three, Anakin's gifts had become obvious to his uncle, Luke Skywalker. By the time he was seven, he had demonstrated a remarkable ability to make anything mechanical work, regardless of whether he understands the device's purpose or its components.
His siblings, Jacen and Jaina, have discovered his abilities, and use them to bypass locks and security cameras. They even tried once to have Anakin create a working droid from various scrap components. Unfortunately, the primary motivator Jacen found was faulty, and the droid blew up. Anakin figured prominently in the discovery and activation of some of the Corellian planetary repulsors during the reign of Thrackan Sal-Solo on Corellia. He continued to show great aptitude with the Force, and when his siblings returned from their initial studies on Yavin 4, Anakin was allowed to go to start his Jedi training.
Yavin 4
Anakin was eleven at the time he arrived on Yavin 4. He then immediately befriends Tahiri Veila, a girl two years his junior who was recently discovered by Luke Skywalker on her home planet of Tatooine. Together, they discovered the Golden Globe beneath the Palace of the Woolamander and the existence of the ancient Jedi Master Ikrit. After a great deal of thought and meditation on the Globe, Anakin and Tahiri were able to penetrate it and release the Massassi spirits trapped within. Following the attack by the Shadow Academy, he returned to Yavin 4 and helped rebuild the Great Temple by viewing its rubble as a huge puzzle to be solved. Together with his brother Jacen, Anakin trained directly with Luke, just as when Luke began moving the new Jedi Knights back to the pre-Empire format of teaching. Both Jacen and Anakin had different ideas on what the future of the Jedi should be. Jacen agreed with Luke, that the formation of a new Jedi Council would help bring the vigilantes under control. Jacen also believed more in the spiritual aspects of the Force, while Anakin held to the physical uses of the Force. The two brothers often clashed, claiming their intense lightsaber duels were simply training.
New Jedi Order
When he turned fourteen, Anakin's training was taken up by Luke himself, in an effort to refocus Anakin's powers. It was then that Anakin grew stronger and became more respected among the Jedi.
Anakin was at the forefront of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, present at Serndipal, the first planet lost to the Vong. Fifteen-year old Anakin was forced to fly the Millennium Falcon and flee. The freighter was taking on as many refugees as possible before Sernpidal's moon could crash into its surface. Anakin kept the Falcon grounded as long as he could, soaring away from the cataclysm at the last possible instant. This decision resulted in the death of Chewbacca, who was unable to board the Falcon in time. The death of the beloved Wookiee forever changed the dynamics of the Solo family. Han blamed Anakin, and it was many months before the two could reconcile. Anakin also blamed himself, and further threw himself into his beliefs despite his brother Jacen's protests. Because of his losses, Anakin pushed himself harder and harder against the invading enemy forces, trying to live up to Chewbacca's sacrifice while keeping other loved ones from slipping away. The Jedi had to take a proactive stance against the Yuuzhan Vong, Anakin believed, or more and more people would die.
Anakin began developing Jedi tactics that could be used against the Yuuzhan Vong. He rediscovered a lost Force skill, Battle Meditation, and refined it into a technique known as Force Meld which was used to coordinate Jedi in battle, namely in spaceflight. He also designed the prototype for the YVH Yuuzhan Vong Hunter Droids manufactured by Lando Calrissian. Anakin doggedly protected a terminally ill Mara Jade Skywalker on Dantooine and fought with other Jedi at Ithor. Word of his accomplishments travelled across the galaxy, and citizens of the New Republic regarded him as a galactic hero and the freshest face of the Jedi Order.
Archaeologists and engineers at Centerpoint Station had been trying to reactivate the superweapon, but discovered that the Station had attuned itself to Anakin's fingerprints, brainwaves, and DNA. It wouldn't activate without him. The New Republic hoped to use this massive station to wipe out the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, but Jacen convinced Anakin that using the Station in such a way would be tantamount to turning to the dark side. Frustrated with Anakin's recaltriance, Thracken Sal-Solo fired the weapon himself--and missed, destroying much of the allied Hapan fleet. Knowing that, had he been at the controls he would have had precise aim, Anakin blamed both Jacen and himself for the friendly casualties.
When the Yuuzhan Vong bore down on Yavin IV and the New Republic refused to send aid, Anakin impetuously ran off to the system in an attempt to save the students studying there. In the ensuing battle, Anakin's childhood mentor Master Ikrit was killed and his friend Tahiri captured. Anakin found unlikely ally in Vua Rapuung, a Yuuzhan Vong outcast, who helped him infiltrate the enemy encampment and rescue Tahiri. Anakin's lightsaber was damaged in the rescue attempt and he had to rebuild it using a Yuuzhan Vong lambent. He attuned his lightsaber to himself and discovered a way to sense the Vong through the Force. Anakin was the first Jedi after Vergere to have sensed the Yuuzhan Vong. He called it the "Vongsense", this name was later adopted by Jacen Solo.
The Yuuzhan Vong had performed numerous experiments on Tahiri during her captivity. Anakin helped her recover from the ordeal and the two of them fell in love. Meanwhile, rumors of their exploits on Yavin IV ran rampant through the working class "shamed ones" of the Yuuzhan Vong, who soon began to see Jedi as their salvation.
When the Yuuzhies bioengineered Jedi hunting creatures, voxyn, Anakin's mermaid friend Lyric was among the first to fall. Anakin led a strike time into the Myrkr system; it's mission was to destroy the cloning facility where the creatures were being bred. But things went wrong from the beginning when Ulaha Kore, one of the strike team tacticians, was gravely injured. Jaina cracked when Ulaha was further subjected to torture. The Yuuzhan Vong torturer decided to pick on her and force her to choose between her brother or her twin.
"They're both my brothers," Jaina protested, but Anakin told her to to select him as the next victim. The Yuuzhan Vong tortured him, but he didn't react. He bought the strike team enough time to take over the ship they were on, but his decisions were again criticized by Jacen.
During another skirmish aboard the Banu Rass, Anakin impulsively ran to his sister's rescue and was stabbed in the gut. The wound ruptured his spleen. Even as his spleen was leaking away, Anakin refused to drop into a Force trance--his mission objective was more important to him that his own well being. His connection to the Force remained strong, and he gathered energy around him like a magnet. Anakin became a glowing extension of the Force itself, almost invincible as he cut down Yuuzhan Vong in order to get his friends closer to the voxyn queen. However, the intense energy quickly consumed him as it escaped through his mortal wound, and Anakin died shortly after ensuring that Tahiri was safe. Anakin gave his life destroying the voxyn cloning samples. His death was transmitted through the Force and his family and fellow Jedi Knights were devastated by it.
His death forced Jacen into a leadership position, pushed his sister Jaina to the dark side, and launched Tahiri into the throes of despair. His sister rashly attacked a Yuuzhan Vong mortuary and recovered his body. She flew his body to Hapes, where the entire family gathered for a funeral. After a memorial ceremony, Anakin was cremated by Luke Skywalker.
Dead or Alive?
Theories abound, arguing that Anakin is still alive, however since his body was burned and his death was felt through the Force, it's highly unlikely that he is alive in the technical sense of the word. Jacen did catch three glimpses of Anakin's ghost while prisoner on Coruscant, and Tahiri still has nightmares about him. His lightsaber figured significantly in the final battle of the war, and is now embedded in a tree stump at Kashyyyk ala a sword in the stone.
Many a prophecy about Anakin has been unfulfilled, including Luke's vision of Anakin and his siblings leading the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Ikrit also prophesized something great for Anakin and Tahiri, something that seems to have been too abruptly cut short.
Also of note is a boy named Tarc or Daq Hantaq, whose face was modified by corrupt senator Viqi Shesh to look like young Anakin. He will presumably grow out of the plastic surgery, and currently travels with famous documentarian Wolam Tser.