Aloe | ||||||||||||||
Missing image Aloevera2web.jpg Aloe vera | ||||||||||||||
Scientific classification | ||||||||||||||
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Species | ||||||||||||||
See Species |
Aloe is a genus of plants belonging to family Asphodelaceae, with about 400 species.
They grow in the drier parts of Africa, especially South Africa's Cape Province, and in the mountains of tropical Africa.
They are succulent plants. Members of the closely allied genera Gasteria and Haworthia, with a similar mode of growth, are also cultivated and popularly known as aloes.
They are cultivated as ornamental plants, especially in public buildings and gardens, for their stiff, rugged habit. The plants are apparently stemless, bearing a rosette of large, thick, fleshy leaves, or have a shorter or longer (sometimes branched) stem, along which, or towards the end of which and its branches, the generally fleshy leaves are borne.
The leaves are generally lance-shaped with a sharp apex and a spiny margin, but vary in colour from grey to bright green and are sometimes striped or mottled.
The rather small tubular yellow or red flowers are borne on simple or branched leafless stems and are generally densely clustered.
The juice of the leaves of certain species yields aloes (see below). In some cases, as in Aloe venenosa, the juice is poisonous. The plant called American aloe, Agave americana, belongs to a different family, Agavaceae.
Aloe vera contains anthraquinone gycosides, resins, polysaccharides, sterols, gelonins, and chromones.
Contents |
Medicinal uses
Aloes is a medicinal substance used as a purgative and produced from various species of aloe, such as A. vera, vulgaris, socotrina, chinensis, and perryi. Several kinds of aloes are distinguished in commerce--Barbadoes, Socotrine, hepatic, Indian, and Cape aloes. The first two are those commonly used for medicinal purposes. Aloes is the expressed juice of the leaves of the plant. When the leaves are cut the juice flows out and is collected and evaporated. After the juice has been obtained, the leaves are sometimes boiled, to yield an inferior kind of aloes.
From these plants active principles termed aloins are extracted by water. According to W. A. Shenstone, two classes are to be recognized: (1) nataloins, which yield picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, and do not give a red coloration with nitric acid; and (2) barbaloins, which yield aloetic acid (C7H2N3O5), chrysammic acid (C7H2N2O6), picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, being reddened by this reagent. This second group may be divided into a-barbaloins, obtained from Barbadoes aloes, and reddened in the cold, and b-barbaloins, obtained from Socotrine and Zanzibar aloes, reddened by ordinary nitric acid only when warmed or by fuming acid in the cold. Nataloin, 2C17H13O7·H2O, forms bright yellow scales, melting at 212-222 ° barbaloin, C17H18O7, forms yellow prismatic crystals. Aloes also contain a trace of volatile oil, to which its odour is due.
The dose is 2 to 5 grains, that of aloin being 1/2 to 2 grains. Aloes can be absorbed from a broken surface and will then cause purging. When given internally it increases the actual amount as well as the rate of flow of the bile. It hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fifteen hours. There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel. Aloes also tends to increase the menstrual flow and therefore belongs to the group of emmenagogues. Aloin is preferable to aloes for therapeutic purposes, as it causes less, if any, pain. It is a valuable drug in many forms of constipation, as its continual use does not, as a rule, lead to the necessity of enlarging the dose. Its combined action on the bowel and the uterus is of especial value in chlorosis, of which amenorrhoea is an almost constant symptom. The drug is obviously contraindicated in pregnancy and when haemorrhoids are already present. Many well-known patent medicines consist essentially of aloes.
Drinks made from aloe pulp are popular in Asia, especially in Korea, as commercial beverages, and as a tea additive.
The lign-aloes is quite different from the medicinal aloes. The word is used in the Bible (Numbers 24:6), but as the trees usually supposed to be meant by this word are not native in Syria, it has been suggested that the Septuagint reading in which the word does not occur is to be preferred. Lign-aloe is a corruption of the Latin lignum-aloe, a wood, not a resin. Dioscorides refers to it as agallochon, a wood brought from Arabia or India, which was odoriferous but with an astringent and bitter taste. This may be Aquilaria agallochum, a native of East India and China, which supplies the so-called eagle-wood or aloes-wood, which contains much resin and oil.
The thick mucilaginous gel is an ideal home first aid cure for burns, wounds, and sunburn. It is also useful for any dry skin condition, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin, and can be used for treating fungal infections such as ringworm. In Ayurvedic medicine, the gel is usually applied fresh and can even be converted into an ointment for long-term use.
Extracts of the leaves were once used on children's fingers to stop nail-biting.
Unproven medical benefits
Aloe vera has been widely marketed as having a number of benefits when taken internally. For example, Aloe has been marketed as a remedy for coughs, wounds, ulcers, gastritis, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis, immune-system deficiencies, and many other conditions. However, these uses are unproven. The only substantiated internal use is as a laxative. Furthermore, there is evidence of significant adverse side effects (see for example this paper ( Consult your doctor when contemplating taking Aloe internally.
Avoid use during pregnancy because the anthraquinone glycosides are strongly purgative. High doses of the leaves can cause vomiting.
There is a rumor that Aloe Vera applied to the neck can speed up the natural healing process of wounds. However, the rumor is completley unfounded and seems to stem from a joke.
There are around 400 species in the genus Aloe:
Common species
- Aloe aristata : Torch Plant, Lace Aloe
- Aloe barberae : Tree Aloe
- Aloe brevifolia : Shortleaf Aloe
- Aloe castanea : Cat's Tail Aloe
- Aloe ciliaris : Climbing Aloe
- Aloe comosa : Clanwilliam's Aloe
- Aloe dinteri : Namibian Partridge Breast Aloe
- Aloe distans : Jeweled Aloe
- Aloe excelsa : Noble Aloe, Zimbabwe Aloe
- Aloe ferox : Cape Aloe, Tap Aloe, Bitter Aloe
- Aloe glauca : Blue Aloe
- Aloe humilis : Spider Aloe
- Aloe khamiensis : Namaqua Aloe
- Aloe longistyla : Karoo Aloe, Ramenas
- Aloe maculata : Soap Aloe, Zebra Aloe
- Aloe mitriformis : Gold Tooth Aloe
- Aloe nobilis : Gold Tooth Aloe
- Aloe perryi : Perry's Aloe
- Aloe pictifolia : Kouga Aloe
- Aloe pillansii : Bastard Quiver Tree
- Aloe plicatilis : Fan Aloe
- Aloe polyphylla : Spiral Aloe
- Aloe pratensis : Rosette Aloe
- Aloe ramosissima : Maidens Quiver Tree
- Aloe saponaria : African aloe
- Aloe speciosa : Tilt-head aloe
- Aloe striata : Coral aloe
- Aloe tauri : Bullocks Bottle Brush aloe
- Aloe variegata : Partridge-breasted aloe, Tiger aloe
- Aloe vera : True Aloe, Barbados aloe, Common aloe, Yellow aloe, Medecinal aloe
- Aloe x spinosissima : Gold-tooth aloe
- Aloe zebrina : Zebra aloe
Other species
- Aloe aageodonta
- Aloe abyssicola
- Aloe abyssinica
- Aloe aculeata
- Aloe acutissima
- Aloe adigratana
- Aloe affinis
- Aloe africana
- Aloe ahmarensis
- Aloe albida
- Aloe albiflora
- Aloe albovestita
- Aloe alfredii
- Aloe alooides
- Aloe ambigens
- Aloe amicorum
- Aloe ammophila
- Aloe amudatensis
- Aloe andongensis
- Aloe andringritrensis
- Aloe angiensis
- Aloe angolensis
- Aloe ankoberensis
- Aloe antandroi
- Aloe archeri
- Aloe arenicola
- Aloe argenticauda
- Aloe asperifolia
- Aloe audhalica
- Aloe ausana
- Aloe babatiensis
- Aloe bakeri
- Aloe ballii
- Aloe barbertoniae
- Aloe bargalensis
- Aloe bella
- Aloe bellatula
- Aloe betsileensis
- Aloe bicomitum
- Aloe boehmii
- Aloe boiteani
- Aloe boscawenii
- Aloe bowiea
- Aloe boylei
- Aloe brachystachys
- Aloe branddraaiensis
- Aloe brandhamii
- Aloe breviscapa
- Aloe broomii
- Aloe brunneostriata
- Aloe buchananii
- Aloe buchlohii
- Aloe buettneri
- Aloe buhrii
- Aloe bukobana
- Aloe bulbicaulis
- Aloe bulbilifera
- Aloe bullockii
- Aloe burgersfortensis
- Aloe bussei
- Aloe calcairophila
- Aloe calidophila
- Aloe cameronii
- Aloe camperi
- Aloe canarina
- Aloe candelabrum
- Aloe cannellii
- Aloe capitata
- Aloe caricina
- Aloe castellorum
- Aloe catengiana
- Aloe chabaudii
- Aloe cheranganiensis
- Aloe chlorantha
- Aloe chortolirioides
- Aloe christianii
- Aloe chrysostachys
- Aloe citrina
- Aloe classenii
- Aloe claviflora
- Aloe commixta
- Aloe compacta
- Aloe compressa
- Aloe compressa var. rugosquamosa
- Aloe comptonii
- Aloe confusa
- Aloe congdonii
- Aloe congolensis
- Aloe conifera
- Aloe constricta
- Aloe cooperi
- Aloe corallina
- Aloe crassipes
- Aloe cremersii
- Aloe cremnophila
- Aloe cryptoflora
- Aloe cryptopoda
- Aloe dabenorisana
- Aloe davyana
- Aloe dawei
- Aloe debrana
- Aloe decaryi
- Aloe decorsei
- Aloe decurva
- Aloe decurvidens
- Aloe defalcata
- Aloe delphinensis
- Aloe deltoideodonta
- Aloe descoingsii
- Aloe deserti
- Aloe dewetii
- Aloe dewinteri
- Aloe dhalensis
- Aloe dhufarensis
- Aloe dichotoma
- Aloe dispar
- Aloe divaricata
- Aloe doei
- Aloe dolomitica
- Aloe dominella
- Aloe dorothea
- Aloe duckeri
- Aloe dumetorum
- Aloe dyeri
- Aloe ecklonis
- Aloe elata
- Aloe elegans
- Aloe elgonica
- Aloe ellenbeckii
- Aloe eminens
- Aloe enotata
- Aloe eremophila
- Aloe erensii
- Aloe ericetorum
- Aloe erinacea
- Aloe eru
- Aloe erythrophylla
- Aloe esculenta
- Aloe falcata
- Aloe fibrosa
- Aloe fievetii
- Aloe fleurentinorum
- Aloe flexilifolia
- Aloe forbesii
- Aloe fosteri
- Aloe fouriei
- Aloe fragilis
- Aloe framesii
- Aloe francombei
- Aloe fulleri
- Aloe gariepensis
- Aloe gerstneri
- Aloe gigas
- Aloe gilbertii
- Aloe gillilandii
- Aloe glabrescens
- Aloe globuligemma
- Aloe gloveri
- Aloe gossweileri
- Aloe gradicaulis
- Aloe graciflora
- Aloe gracilis
- Aloe graminifolia
- Aloe grandidentata
- Aloe grata
- Aloe greatheadii
- Aloe greenii
- Aloe greenwayi
- Aloe grisea
- Aloe guerrai
- Aloe guillaumetii
- Aloe haemanthifolia
- Aloe hardyi
- Aloe harlana
- Aloe harmsii
- Aloe haworthioides
- Aloe hazeliana
- Aloe helenae
- Aloe heliderana
- Aloe hemmingii
- Aloe hendrickxii
- Aloe hereroensis
- Aloe hildebrandtii
- Aloe hlangapies
- Aloe howmanii
- Aloe humbertii
- Aloe ibitiensis
- Aloe imalotensis
- Aloe immaculata
- Aloe inamara
- Aloe inconspicua
- Aloe inermis
- Aloe integra
- Aloe intermedia
- Aloe inyangensis
- Aloe isaloensis
- Aloe itremensis
- Aloe jacksonii
- Aloe jucunda
- Aloe juvenna
- Aloe karasbergensis
- Aloe keayi
- Aloe kedongensis
- Aloe keithii
- Aloe ketabrowniorum
- Aloe kilifiensis
- Aloe kirkii
- Aloe kniphofioides
- Aloe komaggasensis
- Aloe komatiensis
- Aloe krapohliana
- Aloe krausii
- Aloe kulalensis
- Aloe labworana
- Aloe laeta
- Aloe latifolia
- Aloe lavranosii
- Aloe leachii
- Aloe leandrii
- Aloe leedalii
- Aloe lensayuensis
- Aloe lepida
- Aloe leptophylla
- Aloe leptosyphon
- Aloe lettyae
- Aloe leucantha
- Aloe linearifolia
- Aloe lineata
- Aloe littoralis
- Aloe longibracteata
- Aloe luapulana
- Aloe lutescens
- Aloe macleayi
- Aloe macloughinii
- Aloe macrantha
- Aloe macrocarpa
- Aloe macroclada
- Aloe macrosiphon
- Aloe maculata
- Aloe madecassa
- Aloe marlothii
- Aloe marsabitensis
- Aloe massawana
- Aloe mawii
- Aloe mayottensis
- Aloe medishiana
- Aloe megalacantha
- Aloe melanacantha
- Aloe menachensis
- Aloe mendesii
- Aloe menyhartii
- Aloe meruana
- Aloe metallica
- Aloe meyeri
- Aloe microcantha
- Aloe microdonta
- Aloe microstigma
- Aloe millotii
- Aloe milne-redheadii
- Aloe minima
- Aloe modesta
- Aloe moledarana
- Aloe monotropa
- Aloe monteiroi
- Aloe monticola
- Aloe morijensis
- Aloe morogoroensis
- Aloe mubendiensis
- Aloe mudenensis
- Aloe multicolor
- Aloe munchii
- Aloe murina
- Aloe musapana
- Aloe mutabilis
- Aloe mutans
- Aloe myriacantha
- Aloe mzinbana
- Aloe namibensis
- Aloe ngobitensis
- Aloe ngongensis
- Aloe niebuhriana
- Aloe nubigena
- Aloe nuttii
- Aloe nyeriensis
- Aloe obscura
- Aloe officinalis
- Aloe ortholopha
- Aloe otallensis
- Aloe pachygaster
- Aloe palmiformis
- Aloe parellifolia
- Aloe parvibracteata
- Aloe parvidens
- Aloe parviflora
- Aloe parvula
- Aloe patersonii
- Aloe pearsonii
- Aloe peckii
- Aloe peglerae
- Aloe pendens
- Aloe penduliflora
- Aloe percrassa
- Aloe perfoliata
- Aloe perrieri
- Aloe petricola
- Aloe petrophila
- Aloe peyrierasii
- Aloe pirottae
- Aloe plowesii
- Aloe pluridens
- Aloe pole-evansii
- Aloe powysiorum
- Aloe pretoriensis
- Aloe princeae
- Aloe x principis
- Aloe prinslooi
- Aloe procera
- Aloe pruinosa
- Aloe pubescens
- Aloe purpurascens
- Aloe pustuligemma
- Aloe rabaiensis
- Aloe rauhii
- Aloe reitzii
- Aloe retrospiciens
- Aloe reynoldsii
- Aloe rhodesiana
- Aloe richardiae
- Aloe richtersveldensis
- Aloe rigens
- Aloe rivae
- Aloe rivieri
- Aloe rubriflora
- Aloe rubroviolacea
- Aloe rugosifolia
- Aloe runcinata
- Aloe rupestris
- Aloe rupicola
- Aloe ruspoliana
- Aloe sabaea
- Aloe salm-dyckiana
- Aloe saundersdiae
- Aloe scabrifolia
- Aloe schelpei
- Aloe schliebenii
- Aloe schoellerii
- Aloe schomeri
- Aloe schweinfurthii
- Aloe scobinifolia
- Aloe scorpioides
- Aloe secundiflora
- Aloe sereti
- Aloe serriyensis
- Aloe sessilifora
- Aloe sheilae
- Aloe silicola
- Aloe simii
- Aloe sinana
- Aloe sinkatana
- Aloe sladeniana
- Aloe somaliensis
- Aloe soutpansbergensis
- Aloe spicata
- Aloe splendens
- Aloe squarrosa
- Aloe steudneri
- Aloe striatula
- Aloe stuhlmannii
- Aloe suarezensis
- Aloe subacutissima
- Aloe succotrina
- Aloe suffulta
- Aloe suprafioliata
- Aloe suzannae
- Aloe swynnertonii
- Aloe tenuior
- Aloe thompsoniae
- Aloe thorncroftii
- Aloe thraskii
- Aloe tidmarshii
- Aloe tomentosa
- Aloe tororoana
- Aloe torrei
- Aloe trachyticola
- Aloe transvaalensis
- Aloe trigonantha
- Aloe trothae
- Aloe tugenensis
- Aloe turkanensis
- Aloe tweediae
- Aloe ukambensis
- Aloe umbellata
- Aloe umfuloziensis
- Aloe vacillans
- Aloe vallaris
- Aloe vanbalenii
- Aloe vandermerwei
- Aloe vaombe
- Aloe vaotsanda
- Aloe venenosa
- Aloe venusta
- Aloe verdoorniae
- Aloe verecunda
- Aloe verrucosospinosa
- Aloe versicolor
- Aloe veseyi
- Aloe viguieri
- Aloe viridiflora
- Aloe vituensis
- Aloe vogtsii
- Aloe volkensii
- Aloe vossii
- Aloe vryheidensis
- Aloe vulgaris
- Aloe whitcombei
- Aloe wickensii
- Aloe wildii
- Aloe wilsonii
- Aloe wollastonii
- Aloe woolliana
- Aloe wrefordii
- Aloe yavellana
- Aloe yemenica
External links
Sources of Aloe Vera
- Aruba Aloe (
- Aloe FLP ( Forever Living Products, become Distributor and get 30% off, best opportunity
- Aloe vera ( Forever Living Products are the world's largest grower of Aloe Vera
Eclectic herbal information
- Aloe vera ( King's American Dispensatory @ Henriette's Herbal
- Alonium (Aloin) ( King's American Dispensatory @ Henriette's Herbal
- Aloe ( Mrs. Grieve's "A Modern Herbal" @
Herbal information
- Aloe vera ( HerbMed
- Aloe vera ( (pdf) Longwood Herbal Task Force
- Aloe vera ( Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre
- Notes on Aloe Vera ( "Some Notes on Aloe Vera" by Beth Lulinski, R.D. and Cathy Kapica, Ph.D., R.D.
Homeopathic information
- Aloe (aloe) ( "Kent's Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica" by Dr Robert Séror
- Aloe ( "A Primer of Materia Medica for practitioners of Homœopathy" by Timothy Allende:Aloen
es:Aloe fr:Aloès he:אלוורה it:Aloe (botanica) ja:アロエ pl:Aloes