Aikijutsu, also known as aikijujutsu, is a form of Japanese martial arts. In modern times, the best-known style of aikijutsu is that developed by Sokaku Takeda from Daito Ryu. Some Daito Ryu aikijutsu practitioners claim that this ryū was originally developed during feudal times by the Aizu clan; however the majority of martial arts historians dispute this, noting that there is no record of such an unbroken tradition. This style is taught primarily to police officers and the military, and was a central influence in Ueshiba Sensei's development of Aikido. There are many modern forms of Aikijutsu such as Tenshin-Ryu, Hakko-Ryu, Senso-Ryu, Takeda-Ryu etc..
The emphasis in training is not on striking, such as Karate, but rather on throws, joint locks, and chokes.