Adder (electronics)

In electronics, an adder is a device which will perform the addition, S, of two numbers. In computing the adder is part of the ALU, and some ALUs contain multiple adders. Although adders can be constructed for many numerical representations, such as BCD or excess-3, the most common adders operate on binary numbers. In cases where two's complement is being used to represent negative numbers it is trivial to modify an adder into an adder-subtracter.

For single bit adders, there are two general types. A half adder has two inputs, generally labeled A and B, and two outputs, the sum S and carry output Co. S is the two-bit xor of A and B, and Co is the two-bit and of A and B. Essentially the output of a half adder is the two-bit arithmetic sum of two one-bit numbers, with Co being the most significant of these two outputs.

The other type of single bit adder is the full adder which is like a half adder, but takes an additional input carry Ci. A full adder can be constructed from two half adders by connecting A and B to the input of one half adder, connecting the sum from that to an input to the second adder, connecting Ci to the other input and or the two carry outputs. Equivalently, S could be made the three-bit xor of A, B, and Ci and Co could be made the three-bit majority function of A, B, and Ci. The output of the full adder is the two-bit arithmetic sum of three one-bit numbers.

The purpose of the carry input on the full-adder is to allow multiple full-adders to be chained together with the carry output of one adder connected to the carry input of the next most significant adder. The carry is said to ripple down the carry lines of this sort of adder, giving it the name ripple carry adder.

There are also several types of multi-bit adders. The ripple carry adder, described above, is the simplest type, as well as the slowest, since it requires changes to propagate through every full adder in the worst case. Carry lookahead adders work by creating Propagate and Generate signals (P and G) for each bit position, based on whether a carry is propagated through from a less significant bit position (at least one input is a '1'), a carry is generated in that bit position (both inputs are '1'), or if a carry is killed in that bit position (both inputs are '0'). In most cases, P is simply the sum output of a half-adder and G is the carry output of the same adder. After P and G are generated the carries for every bit position are created. Some advanced carry lookahead architectures are the Manchester carry chain and the Brent-Kung adder.

Some other multi-bit adder architectures break the adder into blocks. It is possible to vary the length of these blocks based on the propagation delay of the circuits to optimize computation time. These block based adders include the carry bypass adder which will determine P and G values for each block rather than each bit, and the carry select adder which pre-generates sum and carry values for either possible carry input to the block.


Half adder

A half adder is a logical circuit that performs an addition operation on two binary digits. The half adder produces a sum and a carry value which are both binary digits.

S = A xor B
C = A and B
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Half adder circuit diagram

Following is the logic table for a half adder:

0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

Full adder

A full adder is a logical circuit that performs an addition operation on three binary digits. The full adder produces a sum and carry value, which are both binary digits.

S = (A xor B) xor Ci
Co = (A and B) or (Ci and (A xor B))
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Full adder circuit diagram
A B Ci S Co
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

Ripple carry adder

It is possible to create a logical circuit using several full adders to add multiple-bit numbers. Each full adder inputs a Cin, which is the Cot of the previous adder. This kind of adder is a ripple carry adder, since each carry bit "ripples" to the next full adder.

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4-bit ripple carry adder circuit diagram

The layout of a ripple carry adder is simple, which allows for fast design time; however, the ripple carry adder is relatively slow, since each full adder must wait for the carry bit to be calculated from the previous full adder. The delay for this circuit is nC + S, where n is the number of full adders, C is the time required to calculate (delay) an individual carry value, and S is the delay of an individual sum value. For small adders, this delay is not very important, but for 32-bit or 64-bit computations, the delay can become significant. To solve this problem, scientists devised a faster way to add two binary numbers, called the carry look ahead adder.

Carry look ahead

Let's try a little experiment. Here is a series of numbers. See how long it takes you to find the most significant digit (the number to the far left).

+ 6543210123456

The most significant digit is 9. How can we tell? We can look at the far left digits being added. 3+6 = 9. If we were to add 1 to this value, the most significant digit would be 1 (9+1 = 10). So, we have to look at the digit to the right of this one, to see if there is a carry. Do the same for the following problem:

+ 6544210123456

You will notice there is 6+4, which will generate a carry. Since we know all the sums to the right of this value are 9, we know immediately that the most significant digit will be 1. Try this again for this last example:

+ 0000090000000

As you can see, we can quickly determine the most significant digit by looking whether the two values sum to 9 (will propagate a carry), or sum greater than 9 (will generate a carry). This is the basic principle behind the Carry Look Ahead adder.

For each bit in a binary sequence to be added, the Carry Look Ahead Logic will determine whether that bit pair will generate a carry or propagate a carry. This allows the circuit to "pre-process" the two numbers being added to determine the carry ahead of time. Then, when the actual addition is performed, there is no delay from waiting for the ripple carry effect (or time it takes for the carry from the first Full Adder to be passed down to the last Full Adder). Below is a simple 4-bit generalized Carry Look Ahead circuit that combines with the 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder we used above with some slight adjustments:

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For any circuit larger than 4 bits, the Carry Look Ahead circuity becomes very complicated. For the example provided, the logic for the generate (g) and propagate (p) values are given below. Note that the numeric value determines the signal from the circuit above, starting from 0 on the far left to 3 on the far right:

C1 = G0 + P0C0
C2 = G1 + P1C1 = G1 + P1G0 + P1P0C0
C3 = G2 + P2C2 = G2 + P2G1 + P2P1G0 + P2P1P0C0
C4 = G3 + P3C3 = G3 + P3G2 + P3P2G1 + P3P2P1G0 + P3P2P1P0C0

To determine whether a bit pair will generate or propagate a carry, the following logic works:

G = A and B
P = A xor B

The Carry Look Ahead 4-bit adder can also be used in a higher-level circuit by having each CLA Logic circuit produce a propagate and generate signal to a higher-level CLA Logic circuit. This becomes very complicated, but the result of having less delay time is very beneficial.da:Additionskredsløb (digital elektronik) sv:Adderare pl:Sumator fr:Additionneur ja:加算器


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