Abstraction inversion
In computer programming, abstraction inversion occurs when a programmer creates simple constructs on top of complex constructs.
The correct way is considered to be the other way round - to create complex constructs on top of more basic constructs.
Abstraction inversion is an example of an anti-pattern.
Choosing a toolset that was not optimised for the task results in poor performance.
Sometimes mis-used as a term of insult against an architecture or design. In practice most architectures had a reason to be designed that way. Designs that are purist and aesthetically pleasing may lack practicality. More often, features that are added after the original design get done as a workaround in an ugly or inefficient way.
Examples are common outside professional programming circles:
- Using Excel lookup functions to replicate the functionality of a database
- Using variant data types as loop counters in Microsoft Visual Basic where an integer type is also available.
Template:Compu-stubes:Abstraction inversion it:Inversione di astrazione