The A2000, also known as the Commodore Amiga 2000, is the high-end Amiga personal computer that was released in 1987 at the same time as the low-end high-volume model A500.
The technical specifications of the A2000 are very similar to the A500. The difference was that the A2000 had five "Zorro" proprietary expansion slots, two 16-bit ISA slots, two 8-bit ISA slots, a CPU upgrade slot, and a battery-backed clock.
The A2000 came in a larger desktop case, with a separate keyboard like on a PC, instead of the all-in-one "wedge" of the popular low-end Amigas.
Commodore UK sold a cost-reduced variant of the A2000, the A1500. It was sold without a hard disk drive, thus lowering the retail price significantly. The A1500 shipped with dual floppy drives, and 1MB of RAM as standard, along with the ECS chipset and Amiga OS 2.04.
List of Commodore microcomputers |
MOS Technology 6502-based (8-bit): MOS/CBM KIM-1 |
CBM-II (aka B/P series) |
VIC-20/VC-20 |
C64 |
SX-64 |
C16 & 116 |
Plus/4 |
C128 |