256 (number)
256 (two hundred [and] fifty-six, CCLVI) is the natural number following 255 and preceding 257. It is a composite number, with the factorization 256 = 28, which makes it a power of two.
| |
Cardinal | Two hundred [and] fifty-six |
Ordinal | 256th |
Factorization | <math>256 = 2^8<math> |
Roman numeral | CCLVI |
Binary | 100000000 |
Hexadecimal | 100 |
It is also equal to:
- 162, the square of 16
- 44
- 4↑↑2 using Knuth's up-arrow notation
In fonts with text figures, 256 uses each possible x-height: Missing image
Two hundred fifty-six is also: