225 South Sixth
225 South Sixth, a skyscraper in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, supplanted in 1992 the IDS Center was called the tallest building in downtown Minneapolis, at 776 feet. 225 South Sixth was the headquarters of First Bank System/US Bancorp until the corporation moved into the newer (and much smaller) US Bancorp Center in 2000, whereupon the tower changed to its present name. However, First Bank Tower is still the established "street name" of the building among many Minnesota residents, much as a house might still be known as "the Johnson house" for years or even decades after the Johnsons have moved out.
The ranking of the building as the tallest in Minneapolis is somewhat in dispute. The IDS is usually said to be taller by one foot (specific numbers are never given), even by the owners of 225 South Sixth. It was initially said to be built one foot shorter out of respect for the IDS Center. In February 2005 The IDS counted a 16-foot tall washroom garage on it is actual height making it 15 feet taller than the 225 South Sixth. This ambiguity between official measurements and public relations statements might be due in some part to the "halo" that extends out from the roof, which is apparently included in the building's official height (though this is unclear).
The IDS is definitely taller on two measures. The IDS's communications spires add a significant amount of height, and it remains the tallest building in Minneapolis if measured by number of stories (57 vs. 56; actually tied for first with neighbor Wells Fargo Center).
External links
- 225 South Sixth (http://www.225southsixth.com/)