1778 in Canada
See also: 1777 in Canada, other events of 1778, 1779 in Canada and the list of 'years in Canada'.
- British Captain James Cook explores Alaskan coast, seeking Northwest Passage back to the Atlantic. On the way back to England his crew almost mutinied, wanting to go back to Alaska, after stopping in China and discovering how much sea otter pelts were worth.
- The American colonies ally with France.
- The English overrun the southern states, but are weakened by a French blockade of shipping.
- Captain James Cook anchors in Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island
- Spinning mule invented to spin multiple strands of yarn.
- James Cook trades for sea otter pelts in Nootka Sound.
- First treaty between the United States and an Indian nation is negotiated with the Delaware; they are offered the prospect of statehood
- British and Iroquois forces attack and massacre American settlers in western New York and Pennsylvania.
- On the last of three voyages to the west coast, Captain James Cook travels as far north as the Bering Strait and claims Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island for the British (Mar. 29-Apr.26).