11001001 (TNG episode)

"11001001" is a first season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, first broadcast February 1, 1988. It is episode #14, production #116, teleplay written by Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin, and directed by Paul Lynch. The text equivalent to "11001001" is É, and "11001001's" decimal value is 201.

The name of this episode comes from the episode's production number — 201 — and it also contains the first four binary numbers: 11, 00, 10, & 01.

Quick Overview: Curious little aliens hijack the Enterprise from spacedock.

Missing image
The Bynars, in "11001001".

On stardate 41365.9, the Enterprise arrives at Starbase 74, in orbit above Tarsus III, for a routine maintenance check. Captain Picard looks forward to a series of additional computer upgrades, including repairs to the holodeck. Picard and Commander Riker greet Commander Quinteros, and a pair of little purple-skinned aliens who Quinteros introduces as the Bynar. Not having met their kind before, they greet them as "gentlemen", however Quinteros points out the Bynars are neither male nor female. They are a unified pair, always together. He introduces them as One Zero and Zero One. When the aliens speak, one begins the sentence and the other finishes it. The aliens express their honor to service the Enterprise, referring to the ship as a "mobile computer".

Picard informs Quinteros that they have only 48 hours to conduct the repairs, since they have urgent business on Pelleus V to attend too. This draws concern from the aliens who thought they'd have more time. Picard says it can't be helped, but suggests they can return later, but the aliens claim the time allotted is sufficient. Picard approves the repairs stating he and Riker will remain aboard in case they have any questions, meanwhile, most of the ship's crew disembarks for shore leave aboard the station. Picard is delighted to have the Bynars offer to upgrade the ship. The Federation has only recently made their acquaintance. They've become so interconnected with the master computer on their planet that their language and thought patterns have become as near to binary as possible for organic beings. Riker is interested in seeing their results. In the meantime, Picard says he will get lost in the pages of a good book. Riker has no plans for his spare time, but says something will come up.

Riker goes to the bridge where two more Bynars have joined the other two. The aliens talk in nervous rapid jitters as they look over exposed systems panels. Riker thought there would only be two, but they explain others are required for the time allotted. They seem agitated, and Riker asks if there is a problem, but they indicate nothing is wrong. Riker tells Wesley to keep an eye on them, although he doesn't share Riker's distrust. He guesses it may just be how they act. As Riker heads out, one of the aliens turns a uneasy eye toward him. Riker wanders the corridors, eventually running into Lt Worf, and Lt. Yar, who are both in athletic gear and on their way to a game of Parrises Squares aboard the station. They invite Riker to come along but he declines, and wishes them a win. Worf assures him they will be victorious, but Riker reminds him it is just a game. As Riker watches them go, the lights of the corridor suddenly dim. He walks to check a computer terminal, which explains unoccupied areas of the ship are being powered down to clear space in the computer banks. The computer indicates it necessary to facilitate the new upgrades.

Riker is satisfied, and he continues to the forward lounge where Data, and La Forge stand looking over a painting; the artist apparently is Data. They ask Riker's opinion of the work, but Riker isn't sure what it is supposed to be until Geordi points out a pair of Zylo eggs, added per his suggestion. Riker tells them to keep notes, with guidance from Geordi, Riker believes Data's work will be of interest one day to scholars, a "blind man" teaching an "android" how to paint. Riker continues on, watching more of his colleagues leave the ship, among them is Dr. Crusher who is hurriedly gathering her notebooks to catch a lecture on the station by Doctor Terrance Epstein, a leading cybernetics designer.

Riker eventually comes to a holodeck, where a pair of Bynars are wrapping up their work. He asks the aliens how everything is proceeding. They indicate the new holodeck "enhancement" is ready, and chatter amongst themselves. They invite him to try it out. Interested, Riker approaches the panel and requests the holodeck to create a place where he can relax to some music. He specifies Jazz, a lounge called "Low Note" in New Orleans, circa 1958. The computer signals him to enter. The doors open to a hazy, low light jazz club. Riker is delighted. He tells the computer to create a band. A piano player, drummer, and upright bass player appear on the dusty bandstand, along with an audience seated at several small tables. Riker requests a trombone for himself to play along. The Bynars curiously watch what he does from the doorway.

Riker thinks the room is a bit crowded and requests something more intimate. The crowd vanishes save for a tall blond standing at the bar in a sexy red dress. Riker likes what he sees but explains blonds and jazz seldom go together. The blond changes to a red head, with green eyes. Riker is still not satisfied, and requests something more sultry. The red head changes to a stunning brunette in a sparkling dress. He tells the Bynars "If this is what you call 'enhancement' you have a gift for understatement." Riker approaches the brunette, and asks her name, and if she likes Jazz. She says her name is Minuet, and she likes all Jazz except Dixieland, (because you can't dance to it). He asks; "What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated joint like this?" She replies "Waiting for you." The Bynars conspire amongst themselves. They are excited everything is "working"; they just need to hold him here for 20 minutes. Back on the bridge, Wesley grows curious about the Bynars. They chatter so fast that he doesn't understand how biological entities can process information so quickly. The aliens indicate to small electronic devices on their heads, which they use to process and relay information between each other. They indicate; "a society so interdependent on computers has tremendous advantages." Another, almost sadly responds; "...and a few disadvantages." Picard enters and asks Wesley where Riker is. Wesley indicates he is in Holodeck 4. Picard decides to wander down and see what he's up to.

Meanwhile, Riker is on the bandstand, playing trombone. Minuet watches enthralled more at the man than his performance. The bass player even leans over and tells Riker: "The chick digs you." Riker finishes his song and walks back over the Minuet. He tells her that he has to go, "duty calls", but she insists upon a dance at least before he leaves. He indulges her, amazed at how real a simulation she is. The band plays a slow, intimate tune, as the couple dance. Minuet follows Riker's lead. Her feel, her smell, everything is so perfect. He knows she's just a computer simulation, but wonders how far their relationship can go. She replies as far as he'd like too. A voice behind them interrupts the moment; "Astounding!" Riker turns to see Captain Picard has walked in. He apologizes for the interruption, and commends the locale as something he would have chosen himself. Minuet and the Captain hit if off quickly. Minuet even speaks French to Jean-Luc's amazement. She invites him to join her and the Commander. Picard is honored, however, Riker shows a hint of jealousy. The three converse, and Picard comments on how impressive this program is. Minuet asks how so? Picard explains the holodeck has been able to recreate almost every environment thinkable, offering characters to interact with, however they tend to be somewhat static. Minuet on the other hand, is so adaptive, referring to how she spoke French. Minuet smiles, saying she was able to access the language bank in response to Picard's French name.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Wesley finds some strange readings on the antimatter containment field. Apparently, the field is weakening. Wesley contacts Geordi and Data, who both rush to engineering to check it out. The find engineering abandoned but some systems are still running on low power. Geordi checks the main board, the readings are very bad. Geordi asks Wesley if the Bynars are running tests, but aliens are not. The computer indicates total failure of antimatter containment in 4 minutes, 18 seconds. Data indicates the resulting explosion will destroy, not only the Enterprise, but the entire space station as well. Geordi sounds Red Alert, and calls for Wesley to initiate automated departure, and inform the station of the situation. Wesley asks to notify Riker and Picard, but Geordi stresses there is no time. All hands must abandon the ship immediately. Chaos erupts aboard the ship, the remaining crew run everywhere to the nearest transporter and gangway. Since most personnel are on the station already, the remaining few quickly disembark to safety.

Back on the station, Dr. Crusher, meets Yar, and Worf. They witness the ensuing flood of crew pouring from the ship. The station's alarms begins to sound, with an announcement that the Enterprise is being evacuated. With 41 seconds remaining, Data makes a final log entry, reporting the situation. He asks the computer for the location of Captain Picard and Commander Riker, but the computer responds that all decks are empty. Curious, since the Captain is usually the last to leave. He doesn't make a second thought, and rushes out. Geordi and Data beam onto the station and meet up with the others. Outside the lounge view port, the Enterprise begins to back out. The group quickly notices, Riker and Picard are absent, and Worf is certain they're not aboard the station. Tasha says they have to beam back and find them, but Quinteros states there is no time, the ship is leaving. Suddenly, station personnel call Quinteros, reporting the Enterprise containment field is regenerating. It sounds impossible. By now the ship has cleared the moorings and turns to warp away, leaving the bewildered crew far behind.

Completely unaware of what is going on in the real world, Riker and Picard are lost in conversation with Minuet, while Picard spins a humorous tale about his youth. Picard is still amazed at how the simulation is so intuitive. Riker comments it is almost as if she know what they are thinking before they do. Picard indicates that the computer reacts to their expression and emotional response, but still, Minuet seems so much more advanced. Riker can't believe he's falling for a computer simulation. Picard knows it is getting late, he must be leaving saying "three's a crowd". But Minuet is saddened. She and the Captain haven't has a dance, but Picard declines for some other time. She suggests one more glass of wine then, but Picard must go. Suddenly, Minuet grabs his arm tightly. "Please don't go. You can't. Not yet." Picard is stunned by the forceful demand, he knows she is trying to keep him here. Something is wrong.

Picard calls for the EXIT. The door appears, opening to a corridor of flashing red lights. He tries to contact the bridge, but there is no response. He asks the computer to explain the red alert. The computer reports the antimatter field collapsed and the ship was abandoned by all except the Captain and First Officer. He asks why he wasn't notified, but the computer doesn't know why. The computer explains the field has been restored and the ship is operating at normal levels. It informs that the ship is no longer docked at the Starbase, and is now on a course for the planet Bynaus in the Beta Magellan system. He asks the computer if the Bynars have stolen the Enterprise, but the computer says that information is unavailable. Picard turns to Minuet for answers. She admits being part of this. The Bynars designed her to keep them lured here, but can't explain why. Riker and Picard then rush out to regain control of the ship.

Back on the station, the others try to make sense of what is going on. They have tracked the ship's course to Byanus, and realized the aliens are missing. They must still be aboard the Enterprise. Quinteros indicates the nearest starship to intercept is the USS Trieste, but it is 66 hours away. Back on the Enterprise, Riker and Picard arm themselves at a weapons locker, anticipating any hostile resistance. Picard heads to engineering but Riker thought they were heading to the bridge. Picard explains they are dealing with an unknown force who has commandeered the ship. He will initiate Auto-Destruct, since they must assume the worst and not let the ship fall into enemy hands. The two enter engineering and approach the main board. The computer recognizes their access and they set the system for a 5 minute countdown. Before they continue, Riker notices a computer terminal that is displaying a cascade of alien symbols. An incredible amount of data is being uploaded to the Enterprise mainframe. It appears as if it is set to archive the information. The computer announces 4 minutes 10 seconds remaining, Riker and Picard find the turbo lift doors are locked out. Picard suggests beaming to the bridge, but Riker decides against it. They'd see him coming. Too slow. They decide to beam to the bridge in two locations. It may offer surprise and give one of them a chance to attack.

Back on the station, the remaining staff try to come up with a plan. Beverly comments Quinteros has three other ships at the station, but Quinteros says they are all out of commission. The USS Melbourne is the quickest to have ready, but still needs 18 hours to finish repairs. There is nothing they can do. On the Enterprise, Picard and Riker try their plan. They beam to the bridge and take a defensive stance. There is no resistance waiting. They find the four Bynars strangely huddled together on the floor. They appear to be unconscious, but Picard sees a pair slowly open their eyes. He squats beside them and demands an explanation for stealing the ship. The aliens whisper "Please, help us." Picard cancels Auto-Destruct with 2 minutes and a second remaining. Riker sees they are in orbit above Byanus. There central computer is down, and there is no activity down there. He assumes all the Bynars are like the ones here, dying. He checks the computer to find every free byte of space is taken up but alien data. They must have made a core dump to the ship, but is at a loss to explain why. He can't access the information since it is protected by a password. Picard stares at the dying aliens. Why would they steal the ship and dump their data to it? Riker wishes they left a "note". Picard thinks perhaps they did. Minuet!

The two run to the holodeck. Minuet is still there in the jazz club. She explains the Bynars meant no harm. A star in their system went supernova, and the resulting electromagnetic pulse would wipe out their central computer. They miscalculated when the event would take place, so they had no choice but to find a mobile computer large enough to back up their data, the Enterprise. The puzzle is solved, but they ask what is needed next? Minuet explains they must upload the data back to the Byanus computer. Riker explains that would be simple enough, but he needs a file name to access the data, but Minuet doesn't know what the code is. She says they must hurry, the aliens are dying.

Riker calls Starbase 74. Quinteros responds and asks their situation. Riker explains there is no time to give one, and asks to talk with Data. Data responds, and Riker explains the situation, asking for his assessment on the file name. Data explains file names could be anything, but Riker knows it was urgent, so they would have kept it simple. Something easy to figure out. Data suggests in keeping with the binary language of the Bynars, perhaps a series of ones and zeros, in groups of eight or sixteen characters. Riker wonders if it could be that simple. He has the computer run a series of binary codes, finding "11001001" unlocks the file. Suddenly the screen locks up. The code seems right but nothing happens. Picard decides to join him at another terminal. The Bynars always work in pairs, perhaps that is required. The two simultaneously enter the code. Suddenly the Enterprise begins to transmit the data down to the Byanus computer. It appears to work. The aliens on the floor, stir back to life. "You did it. Our people express their gratitude." They agree to return to the Starbase and face whatever punishment their society gives them. Picard asks them why they just didn't ask for their help, but the aliens reply; "You might have said no. The need was too great to risk rejection." Riker suggests their reasoning is part of their binary thinking. They have only two choices; "yes and no." Picard believes that no real harm was done. At least they saved an alien race and the Enterprise is safely back in their hands. He takes the conn and sets course back to the Starbase.

Upon arrival, the crew return back to ship. Picard says the Bynars will be handed over to Quinteros for a hearing. Meanwhile, Riker returns to the holodeck. He sees the brunette sitting where he saw her last. He says his line, "What's a knockout like you doin' in a computer-generated..." but she turns. It's not Minuet. Later, he reports to Picard, stating he tried variations in the program, but Minuet is gone. Picard suggests maybe she was part of the Bynar's programming. Perhaps she was deleted when the data was sent back to the Bynars. Riker guesses that some relationships just aren't meant to work out.

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