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  1. Golda Meir (10143 bytes)
    2: ...male Prime Minister in the world, as well as the only former American citizen to hold the post ([[Benj...
    10: ...her ran a grocery store. Beginning when she was only eight years old, Golda oversaw the store for a s...
    34:, leaving in [[1949]]. She then entered the [[Knesset]] (Israeli Parliament) where she served continuou...
    42: After [[Levi Eshkol]] died suddenly on [[February 26]], [[1969]], the party chose he...
    55: ...his happen."—Golda Meir, in a speech to the Knesset, reported in ''[[Ner]]'', [[October]] [[1961]].
  2. Israel (51605 bytes)
    89: ...tion of those territories in 1950 was recognized only by the [[United Kingdom]] and [[Pakistan]], whil...
    102: ...Palestinian refugee]]s - however, the resolution only refers to "refugees", arguably implying that it ...
    104: Israel is the only state that is barred from joining any of the fiv...
    141: [[Image:Knesset.jpg|thumb|250px|[[Knesset|The Knesset]] is the Israeli [[parliament]], located in [[Jer...
    142: ...set]] are normally held every four years, but the Knesset can decide to dissolve itself ahead of time by a ...
  3. Judaism (54799 bytes)
    8: ...modern movements such as the [[The Enlightenment|Enlightenment]] and the rise of [[Nationalism|nationa...
    17: ...interference of other powers, in Judaism, God is unlimited and fully available to care for Creation.
    41: ... Jews had come to believe that their God was the only God (and thus, the God of everyone), and that th...
    43: ...on between the particularism of their claim that only Jews were required to obey the Torah, and the un...
    68: ...decision to cease unacceptable actions, and then only if appropriate amends to others are honestly und...
  4. Legislature (5480 bytes)
    5: ... is the simplest kind of law-making body and has only one house. A bicameral legislature possesses two...
    9: ...In contrast, the United States Congress consists only of its two houses and does not officially includ...
    23: *[[Eduskunta]] or Riksdag — [[Finland]]
    26: *[[Knesset]] — [[Israel]]
  5. Jerusalem (61585 bytes)
    24: ...[Siege of Jerusalem (701 BC)|siege in 701 BCE]], unlike [[Samaria]], the capital of the northern [[Kin...
    32: ...]] was burnt, and the whole city was ruined. The only remaining part of the Temple was a portion of an...
    34: ...or the destruction of their city at the Temple's only remaining wall.
    59: ...luke]]s, and ''the most accursed of all'', Jews. Only the Latin Christians ''long with all their heart...
    65: ...Temple Mount (northeast), the Christians lived mainly in the vicinity of the Church of the Holy Sepulc...

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