A Zapatista was originally a member of the revolutionary guerilla movement founded around 1910 by Emiliano Zapata, whose Liberation Army of the South (Ejército Libertador del Sur) fought during the Mexican Revolution for the redistribution of agricultural land.
More recently, the term is now used for a member of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional), which in 1994 launched a popular uprising for agrarian and broader social reform.
Both movements started in southern Mexico — the 1910 movement in Morelos and the more recent one in Chiapas.
The Intercontinental Encounters for Humanity and against Neoliberalism resulted in various other Zaptista groups emerging outside of Mexico, including the West Essex Zapatistas in East London.
Template:Mexico-stubda:Zapatisterne de:Zapatistas es:Zapatista
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