Young Left (Sweden)
Young Left
Young Left (Ung Vänster) is the youth organisation of the Swedish Left Party.
It is an organisation that organizes the youth of today that fights for a socialistic social change. Young Left is a revolutionary youth organisation developed out of the labour movement, with influences from environmentalism, the peace movement and the feminist movement. Young Left work for a communist (i.e. a classless) society, free from oppression, on the basis of marxist and feminist theories. The organization has had various names and political alignments over the years, but it is continuously characterized by the issues that have been the centre of history like antifascism, antimilitarism and internationalism.
Young Left was founded in 1903 as Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsförbundet (SDUF, Social Democratic Youth League). However the youth league has clearly attached to the leftwing within the Social Democratic Party. At the outbreak of the First World War, the tensions within the party aggravated. In May 1917 the youth league together with the left-wing faction within the party took the initiative to form a new party, Sverges Socialdemokratiska Vänsterparti (Social Democratic Left Party of Sweden). SDUF became the youth wing of the new party. SSV joined the Communist International in 1919 and was renamed to Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti (Communist Party of Sweden). Following that SDUF was renamed Sveriges Kommunistiska Ungdomförbund (Young Communist League of Sweden) and became the Swedish section of the Communist Youth International.
In 1967 ultra-left elements took over the organization, and broke away to form MLK. Rapidly a reconstruction work started. In 1970 the organization was re-baptized as Kommunistisk Ungdom (Communist Youth). By 1973 there was a national organization in function and by 1975 an ordinary congress was held.
Since 1992 it is known as Ung Vänster (Young Left).
Young Left work together with and support the Left Party and Vänsterns Studentförbund in their work for socialism, but makes on the basis of its own analyses independent decisions regarding organizational and political issues.
Young Left publish the Youth Magazine Röd Press since 1982, when Young Left lost the rights of its magazine Stormklockan to the maoist MLK in a trial.
In Sweden Young Left was one of the many forces behind the large Global protests against war on Iraq February 15, 2003 protests.
The current chairperson is Tove Fraurud, who 10 April 2004 succeed Ali Esbati.
External links
- Ung Vänster (
- Röd Press (
- Red Planet (
- Nixon ( (book publishing house of Young Left)
- Vänsterpartiet (
- Vänsterns Studentförbund (