Yield may mean:
- In economics, yield is a measure of the amount of income an investment generates over time (related to return on investment). For example, farmers talk of the yield per unit area of land.
- In finance, yield is a measure of return on a security.
- In chemistry, the chemical yield is the amount of product produced in a chemical synthesis.
- Yield is a condition in steel and other metals under tensile stress where it becomes plastic, deformation is large, and will ultimately break. See tensile strength.
- In semiconductor device fabrication, yield is the ratio of functionally working devices and the total number of devices produced.
- In the context of nuclear weapons, the yield of a weapon is the amount of energy discharged when the weapon explodes, commonly expressed in tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT) needed to produce the same energy.
- In fisheries science, yield refers to amount of catch. See maximum sustainable yield and optimum sustainable yield.
- Yield is the name of a Pearl Jam album.
- In formal language theory, the terminal yield of a tree refers to the list of leaves encountered in an ordered walk of the tree.
- In road transport, a yield (American English) or give way (Commonwealth English) traffic sign indicates that a driver of a vehicle must slow down and prepare to stop if necessary (usually while merging into traffic on another road) but does not need to stop if there is no reason to. A driver who has actually stopped in this situation is said to have yielded the right-of-way to through traffic on the main road. In contrast, a stop sign always requires a full stop.
- Yield is a game element in The Amazing Race, a U.S. reality game show.