X-Men ReLoad
X-Men ReLoad was the name given by Marvel Comics to their May 2004 revamp of the X-Men titles. The revamp was prompted by Grant Morrison's departure from New X-Men, as well as a general sense that the X-Men titles were not selling as well as they could be.
As a result of the revamp, Chris Claremont moved from writing X-Treme X-Men to writing Uncanny X-Men, with Alan Davis doing the art. Chuck Austen moved from writing Uncanny X-Men to New X-Men, which returned to its old name of simply X-Men, with Salvador Larroca, who had been working with him on Uncanny X-Men doing the art. Finally, Joss Whedon entered as the writer of the new title Astonishing X-Men, with John Cassady doing the art. X-Treme X-Men was cancelled.
In addition to this reshuffle of the main titles, many of the secondary X-Men books got new writers as well.Template:Marvel-Comics-stub