World Record (The Animatrix)
World Record is an animated short film in The Animatrix series set in the fictional universe of The Matrix. The film is about an athelete who becomes aware that the Matrix exists during a competition. The film deliberately uses exaggerated perspective and distortion that would be difficult or impossible to achieve in live action. Unlike most of the other Animatrix shorts, it does not use any CGI.
This movie centers around a track runner, Dan, sprinting the 100 meter dash. As the race starts, flashbacks — flaws in the matrix — begin to appear. Dan, is warned by his coach to cancel this race, but Dan wants to set a record no one will ever break in the future.
During the race, Dan speeds up; however his muscles become overloaded. He drops back and the agents realize that he is waking up. They try to catch him, but he speeds up and wins the race with a winning time of 8.72 seconds, at which point he collapses. Meanwhile, in the real world, Dan wakes up from the Matrix, but a machine shocks him and plugs him back in to the system. Days later, Dan is seen in a wheelchair in a coma-like state. Even though he is disabled in the Matrix, Dan gets up slowly muttering words about freedom, but he is overcome by the Matrix and falls down.
Main production team
Yoshiaki Kawajiri - Director
Andy Wachowski - Screenwriter
Larry Wachowski - Screenwriter