World Journal
World Journal (Chinese: 世界日報; pinyin: shì jiè rì bào) is a daily Chinese language newspaper serving overseas Chinese in North America. It is published in the cities Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Houston in the United States. In Canada, the newspaper is based in Toronto and Vancouver, where these major cities contain a large Chinese-speaking population. The newspaper is widely sold in many Chinatowns in these citoes and other predominant Chinese suburbia.
Founded in 1976, the newspaper has the largest circulation among the Chinese American and Chinese Canadian readership. World Journal is owned by the same media conglomerate that runs the United Daily News in Taiwan. It is a Taiwanese American-run newspaper and until the mid-1990's was viewed as very hostile to the People's Republic of China, in part because the paper referred to people from mainland China as "communist Chinese."
However, this view has changed in part due to the arrival of mainland Chinese immigrants to North America and in part due to political developments on Taiwan where multi-party elections have been allowed. Like its parent the United Daily News, the World Journal is widely seen as taking an editorial line that favors the pan-Blue coalition and Kuomintang. It is also against the Taiwanese independence ideology of the pan-Green coalition. Consequently, this editorial position has made it much less hostile toward the People's Republic since the late-1990's, and many mainland Chinese becoming part of its reporting staff. The anti-Taiwan independence editorial positions that the paper has taken have also made it popular among mainland Chinese immigrants to the United States.
The International Daily News is a competitor with an editorial position more favorable to the Pan-Green Coalition.
External link
- World Journal (