William Forbes Skene
William Forbes Skene (1809-1892), Scottish historian and antiquary, was the second son of Sir Walter Scott's friend, James Skene (1775-1864), of Rubislaw, near Aberdeen, and was born on June 7 1809.
He was educated at Edinburgh Academy in Edinburgh, Scotland and at the university of St Andrews, taking an especial interest in the study of Celtic philology and literature. In 1832 he became a writer to the signet (WS), and shortly afterwards obtained an official appointment in the bill department of the Court of Session, which he held until 1865. His early interest in the history and antiquities of the Scottish Highlands bore its first fruit in 1837, when he published The Highlanders of Scotland, their Origin, History and Antiquities.
His chief work, however, is his Celtic Scotland, a History of Ancient Alban (5 vols., Edinburgh, 1876-1880), perhaps the most important contribution to Scottish history written during the 19th century. In 1879 he was made a D.C.L. of Oxford, and in 1881 Historiographer Royal for Scotland. He died in Edinburgh on August 29 1892.
The most important of Skene's other works are: editions of John of Fordun's Chronica genus Scotorum (Edinburgh, 1871—1872); of the Four Ancient Books of Wales (Edinburgh, 1868); of the Chronicles of the Picts and Scots (Edinburgh, 1867); and of Adamuan's Vita S. Columbae (Edinburgh, 1874); an Essay on the Coronation Stone of Scone (Edinburgh, 1869); and Memorials of the Family of Skene of Skene (Aberdeen, 1887).
This entry was originally from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.