Whitton, Lincolnshire
Whitton is an English village of about 190 inhabitants in North Lincolnshire. It is located at the northern termination of the Cliff range of hills, on the south shore of the River Humber, about 3 miles below Trent Falls, and 9 miles west of Barton upon Humber.
Whitton may have originated at the time the Romans crossed the Humber northward in 71 AD; first as a military camp and then later as a Roman villa, overlooking the river, with its temple a few yards to the east, where the Church now stands. It is perhaps possible that Whitton was a landing stage on the south bank for the Roman fort and civitas of Petuaria Parisorum at Brough across the river.
Roman Coins of Claudius Gothicus (268-270 AD) and Constantine I (the Great) (309-337AD) have been found in the fields, and Nikolaus Pevsner tells us that the Church tower 're-uses massive blocks of Roman stone'.
External links
- Notes on the History of Whitton Village (http://www.diplomate.freeserve.co.uk/whitton.htm)
- North Lincs Council (http://www.northlincs.gov.uk/NorthLincs/Leisure/libraries/localandfamilyhistory/localstudies/localhistorypacks/Whitton.htm)
- Whitton, St John the Baptist Church (http://groups.msn.com/EnglishChurchPhotographs/stillmorelincolnshirechurches.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=609)