What More Can I Ask?
Popular song with words by A. E. Wilkins and music by Ray Noble. Written in 1932.
Recorded by:
Al Bowlly with Ray Noble and his orchestra
HMV B 6302 (matrix: 0B 4365-1)
Recorded London on December 14, 1932
Al Bowlly with Lew Stone and the Monseigneur Band
Decca(England) F 3373 (matrix: GB 5398-1)
Recorded London December 23, 1932
Anna Neagle with orchestra conducted by Ray Noble
HMV B 4365 (matrix: 0B 4586-3)
Recorded January 4, 1933
Anona Winn
Regal Zonophone Records G 21675 (matrix: CA 13346-1)
Recorded London January 13, 1933
Sam Browne and Anona Winn (as Jack and Jill)
Regal Zonophone Records G 21691 (matrix: CAR 1726-1)
Recorded London February 2, 1933