In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Voth are a humanoid species descended from Earth's dinosaurs. The Voth escaped Earth when the environment was wrecked by an asteroid impact 65 million years ago. They travelled across the galaxy, eventually settling in the Delta Quadrant. The Voth are extremely advanced technically, possessing Transwarp drive systems.
As a society, the Voth are dogmatic refugees who have spun a fictional story about their own past in order to create cohesion. Although they have been away from Earth for 65 million years and have achieved much technologically, they have never been able to establish a permanent planetary home, perhaps a parallel to the Jewish settlers who had nowhere to go after escaping pre-war Germany.
In the 24th century, the Voth leadership threatened to destroy the crew of Voyager and a rogue Voth scientist, if they refused to disavow evidence that the Voth originated on Earth. This was the so-called "Distant Origin" theory. At the close of contact between the Voth and Humans in the 24th Century, it was not considered hopeful that the two sister species would reunify anytime soon.
However, in the Voyager episode "Relativity," a Voth is seen manning the Navigation post on a 29th Century Federation Timeship, arguing for eventual reunification.