A Voivodship (also voivodeship, Romanian: Voievodat, Polish: Województwo, Serbian: Vojvodstvo or Vojvodina) was a feudal state in medieval Romania, Hungary, Poland, Russia and Serbia (see Vojvodina), ruled by a Voivod (voivode). The Voivod was initially the military commander next to the ruler.
The term voivodship is still used for the 16 administrative regions in Poland (Voivodships of Poland) and for the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia.
List of Voivodships
Missing image
Vojvodina map

Poland voivodships since 1999
de:Woiwodschaft es:Voivodia et:Vojevoodkond fr:Voďvodie it:Voivodato nl:woiwodschap pl:Województwo