Venus Express
Venus Express is the first Venus exploration mission of the European Space Agency. The mission was proposed in 2001 to reuse the design of the Mars Express mission. However, there are some mission characteristics that have led to design changes, primarily in the areas of thermal control, communications and electrical power. For example, since Venus is approximately two times closer to the Sun than Mars, the radiant heating of the spacecraft will be four times greater for Venus Express, the ionising radiation environment will be harsher and the illumination of the solar panels will be more intense. The Venus Express mission also uses spare instruments developed for the Rosetta mission.
The launch window for Venus Express is open from 26 October to 25 November 2005. It will be launched by a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and put immediately into its transfer orbit to Venus. However at least one trajectory correction will be required. On arrival at Venus, after approximately 150 days of journey, the Venus Express spacecraft will use its main engine to reduce its velocity so that it is captured by Venusian gravity. It will take another 5 days to maneuvre into its operational orbit.
Venus Express will study the Venusian atmosphere and clouds in detail, the plasma environment and the surface characteristics of Venus from orbit. It will also make global maps of the Venusian surface temperatures.
External link
- ESA description of the Venus Express ( Express