The VX-2R is an ultra-compact ham radio transceiver produced by Yaesu.
Feature Overview
- FM transmit on 2 Meters (1.5 watts) and 70 centimeters (1 watt)
- Wide-band receive coverage, from 500 kHz up to 999 MHz
- Receive coverage in AM, NFM, and WFM
- Experimental channel counter frequency for finding nearby frequncies
- User-selectable 10 dB attenuator
- Ultra-compact size
- CTCSS and DCS decode/encode
- Approximately 900 memory channels, with up to 20 banks
- PC-programmable and radio-to-radio cloning
- RF Squelch capability
- Selectable deviation (wide/narrow)
- WiRES -- Internet repeater linking
- 1.5 watts output on 2 Meters
- ARTS for watching communications between two ARTS-equipped radios
The VX-2 is not difficult to modify. Because the radio uses software-based jumpers, it is not necessary to open the radio up to perform most modification. A MARS / CAP modification can be performed, expanding transmit coverage outside of ham bands slightly; it is also possible to perform a freeband modification to the radio without any hardware modifications. Although in most cases illegal based on Federal Communications Rules, the freeband mod opens transmit coverage significantly, allowing use on business band and FRS bands, along with several lesser-used frequency bands.
- Yaesu's page on the VX-2R (http://www.yaesu.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=111&ProdID=870&DivisionID=65)
- VX-2R Modifications and General Information (http://home.comcast.net/~sllewd/vx2home.htm)
- KC8UNJ's VX-2R Commander programming software (http://www.qsl.net/kc8unj/index.html)
- VX-2R on Yahoo! Groups (closed list) (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VX-2R/)