User talk:Netesq/mediator
Your User_talk:Netesq page is too long for some browsers. It is User:mediator/policy, according to the current mediator, to start a subpage for all users who let their talk pages get that long, if only to remind them to archive so that everyone can talk to them.
Also, a subpage devoted to the mediator dialogues between all Wikipedia:users in conflict may be a good way to get around the controversy over "/ban" pages which use terms that are just too emotional.
So, if you do not object, this subpage will be used for the User:Mediator, whoever that is, to raise issues with you, request your help, or relay to you comments that have been made about you on the Mailing List, in case you do not read that list, as most users do not.
One such request is that you review User:Mediator and see if its mission statement strikes you as correct or even useful. The current mediator considers you a quite likely candidate to take over the role eventually, although it should never be clear who is performing it:
Probably the next mediator will be chosen at random from a short list of User:mediator/candidates who are all accepted by consensus - those not chosen agree to remain on the list and help the mediator, so it will remain unclear who actually is doing the job.
If you disagree with the current mediator's priorities, raise the issue at User_talk:mediator/mediator where, as with any other user, mediation concerns should be raised. Thank you for your attention.
If you find this subpage objectionable, please feel free to delete or blank it. It has no official status.