aka James Kilfiger
I'm a teacher of maths and English. I live and work in Japan in Asaka, Saitama. I'm employed by FEN ( and I have some pages on my non-updated website (
In mathematics I only know enough to know that I don't know enough, so I usually steer clear of editing those pages. My other edits are pretty wide ranging. biology, history, linguistics.
The Translation wiki ( exists
My POV is empiricist, atheist, Social Democratic. I dislike cynicism. I'd like to believe in a closed universe.
User:Zeimusu/Imagerequest is a request to users to source and tag uploaded images. User:Zeimusu/Welcome is my welcome text.
User:Zeimusu/monobook.js looks like fun. As does User:Zeimusu/monobook.css.
Section numbering User CSS script for use with Firefox 1.1
The following is a piece of css which uses counters to number sections of wikipedia pages To use it you need firefox 1.1, or a recent nightly. It might be possible to use it with opera or safari in some way too.
To use it, copy it to a file called "user-content.css" in the profile directory, chrome subdirectory. (This file doesn't exist by default)
@-moz-document url-prefix( { body { counter-reset: h2; }
h2:before { content:counter(h2) ". "; counter-increment: h2; } h2 {counter-reset: h3;}
h3:before { content:counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". "; counter-increment: h3; } h3 {counter-reset: h4;}
h4:before { content:counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4) ". "; counter-increment: h4; }
h3#siteSub:before {content:""} /*don't put a counter on "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia."*/
} /*en.wikipedia*/