User:Wmahan/Articles with common misspellings
This is a list of articles that contained words from the list of common misspellings (as well as some others) as of the database dump on August 22, 2004.
If you fix a listed misspelling, feel free to remove it from the list. If you find an article listed that should not be there (for example, because the misspelling occurs within a quotation), don't worry. I check the context of each entry before editing it. If you want such an article removed from the list, you can let me know at the talk page, or simply remove it yourself.
My intention is to use this as a list of pages to check for spelling (not only for the listed misspelled word, but for other mistakes as well). These articles might also need copyediting because they likely have not received much attention.
Help in working on this list is always welcome. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
Wmahan. 16:51, 2004 Sep 3 (UTC)
Contents |
The list
Articles that should not be corrected even though they apparently contain a misspelling (such as Tao Teh Ching, where teh is correct) are listed at misspelling exclusions. Please add to this list!
- powerfull: Mutiny on the Bounty (history)
Most frequent
Here are the 100 most common misspellings.
Other misspellings
Some additional misspellings that I found.